Chapter 1

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Chapter One
The One Where She Starts College

Angelica's POV

My younger sister, Eliza, and I walked up the path to the entrance of the main building of college. It's our first year of college. Eliza was smart enough to be brought up a grade, and that was great for me. I don't know what I would do if she weren't here. Peggy, my youngest sister, is still in high school.

We walked up to the desk thing, getting our keys and whatnot. "Well if it isn't the lovely Schuyler sisters," a familiar voice called out. I turned around and saw Aaron Burr, someone I went to high school with. I scoffed, but couldn't help but smile. "Hey Burr." He rolled his eyes. "That's all I get?" I looked at Eliza, pretending to think. "Umm... yep!" I grinned.

Burr chuckled. "Do you ladies know your roommates yet?" He asked. "Uh, we just got here, actually." Eliza said in her kind, and at the moment somewhat nervous voice. "Mine is a girl named Theodosia Prevost," Burr shrugged, "I just met her."

I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively, making him scoff. "You're insane." I laughed quietly. "But she's a girrrllll... I bet that one day your gonna date her." Burr raised an eyebrow. "You wanna go?" I winked. "Just you wait."

"Burr, stop boring the women, go find some wall to fuck or whatever you do." A voice said, and I felt an arm wrap around my waist. It was one of my best friends from high school, John Laurens. With him was Hercules Mulligan and Lafayette. "Hey guys!" I hugged John tightly. "Hi Ang. Hey Liz." The three chorused. "Um, what was that you said before? 'Go find a wall to,' uh... ahem, 'or whatever you do'?" Eliza said in her voice, amusement laced around her words.

"Yep. I totally didn't say 'fuck.'" John teased. Eliza whacked his arm. "John! There are children here!" She scolded. "Mon ami, there are no children." Laf pointed out. "Um, yes there is? Burr and I are standing right here!" She shrugged, making us all laugh, except her and Burr. "I'm not a child!" He pouted. "Sure sweetie." I patted his head.

"Oh, Angie, just wait, I bet karma's gonna kick your ass and make your roommate some tall, handsome, charming dude who's totally taken." I rolled my eyes. "It's better than having you be my roommate." I mumbled. "I swear to god-" he started.

"Um, I'm gonna go to my dorm and meet my roommate if they're there." Eliza said. "Speaking of roommates, who are your roommates?" I asked the boys. "Not sure. Hasn't came in yet." John said. "Laf and I are roommates!" Herc grinned, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend. "Oh my god yes! My ship!" Eliza squealed. Just to drive her over the edge, Laf and Herc kissed. "Okay before I die I'll go to my dorm!" Eliza squeaked. She turned around and walked away. "Okay, imma go follow her. I'll go meet that 'tall, handsome, charming dude who's totally taken.'" I mocked Burr as I speed-walked after Eliza.

As we walked side by side, Eliza and I compared room numbers. We were actually really close, only a few rooms away. She got to her dorm first. "I'll text you later." I nodded. "Make sure you tell me about your roommate." Eliza smiled. "Will do. Love you, sis." I hugged her. "Love you too." She walked into her room, and I started off to my room.

I took a deep breath and walked in. There was a guy on the couch, and the first thing I noticed was his large hair. He must've heard me come in, because I turned around and made eye contact with me. Sexy. "Oh, hi." He said, the tall man standing up. He walked over to me and held out his hand. "I'm Thomas Jefferson." I smiled and shook his hand. "Angelica Schuyler."

We stood in awkward silence for a moment, staring at each other, before I cut through it. "Well I'm gonna put my stuff away." Thomas nodded, blinking rapidly. "Right, yeah." He sat back on the couch. I quickly walked into our shared room with our beds and left the door open. God dammit, Burr. He was right. My roommate is tall, charming, handsome, and probably totally taken.

I put away my clothes and called Burr. "Hey Ang, miss me already?" I scoffed. "You wish, Aaron Purr."

"Angelica, I swear to god." I snickered. "Anyway..." my demeanor changed entirely. "How the fuck do you do it?"

"What do you mean?" He asked. "You guessed correctly. Not sure about the last part, but definitely the first ones." I heard him laugh. "Oh my god, Ange, I told you so!" I rolled my eyes. "Why did I even call you?" I mumbled. "Because you love me."

I sat on my bed. "Do I love you? Hmm... no, not really feeling it. Sorry to break your heart, Burr."

"Anyway, how's your roommate?" I asked him. "Um, really pretty. She seems super smart. Kinda like you." I chuckled. "Oh, Burr, you flatter me." I could basically f e e l him wink. "I could do more than flatter you." I pursed my lips. "Yup, yeah, bye, hanging up now, have fun with whatever you do when you aren't flirting with me." As I hung up I could hear him say: "I'm always flirting with you!" He's not wrong.

I got a text from John asking if I wanted to bring my roommate to his place so that the whole squad could meet them. I texted back a yes finished putting my stuff away, seeing as I didn't finish before.

Thomas' POV

Okay, so I may have just listened to my roommate's conversation. Who was she talking to? Were they dating? Maybe... I kinda hope not. From our quick meeting I could tell that she was just... wow. I pulled out my phone and texted my best friend, James Madison.

FrenchMac: hey jem

JemmyBoo: hey
You meet your roommate yet?

FrenchMac: yeah

JemmyBoo: and...?

FrenchMac: she's really hot and seems nice

JemmyBoo: ooh ;)
You gonna try and see if you can get her for a night lmao?

FrenchMac: naw man

JemmyBoo: that doesn't sound like you

FrenchMac: it's just
She doesn't seem like that kinda person
Like she just called someone and it sounded like he was trying to flirt with her but she wasn't having any of it?

JemmyBoo: oh
what's her name

FrenchMac: Angelica Schuyler

JemmyBoo: omg

FrenchMac: what

JemmyBoo: okay so
I walked in my dorm and my roommate- John Church- was with his friends and they were playing like truth or dare and one of them asked John "I dare you to give us specific details about when you and Angelica had sex" and I didn't want to hear that so I ran into the bathroom and yeah

FrenchMac: oh my god

JemmyBoo: yeah

FrenchMac: so are they dating

JemmyBoo: idk

FrenchMac: hm ok
Anyway I gtg bye

JemmyBoo: bye tom

I set my phone down as Angelica walked back in the room. "Hey, Thomas, uh, do you want to go to my friend's dorm room? My friends are bringing their roommates and want us to meet each other..." she asked me, not making direct eye contact. "Oh, uh, yeah, sure but, uh, could I invite my friend and his roommate? I want to meet his roommate and I just want my friend to be there, cause I don't wanna be alone or whatever..." I asked. "Oh, uh, yeah I think that'll be okay."

I nodded and texted James again. After a minute or so, he responded that both him and his roommate will come. Angelica told me her friend's dorm number and I sent it along to James. "Okay, they'll be there soon." I said. Angelica nodded. "Okay, let's go then."

I bet there'll be drama with John Church next chapterrrrr ;)
Uh yeah. Sooo :)

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