Chapter 03: Memories Within A Dream

Start from the beginning

The silver haired boy touches the person's cheek, "No matter what, do not blame yourself,... Tsuna..." With those words the choking boy dropped his hands and was released from the grip of the supposedly Tsuna.

Tsuna cried harder, pounding the ground. All the Guardians looked at Tsuna with shocked faces. And Giotto stared at him with a sad expression.

'So it wasn't Giotto who killed his family but him himself?' G thinks.

Another image flashes before their eyes causing all of them to jerk their heads toward the image. They saw Tsuna bump into Lampo and being chased by men in ragged clothing. Then the image changed again showing a small room. There a familiar man stood dressed in a white tuxedo.

The man in the white tuxedo looked at Tsuna (memory). "My boy. You destroyed my mansion and killed almost all my men there. If you wanted to sleep longer, you should have just continued to sleep.~"

Tsuna (memory) remained silent. Giotto and his Guardians are surprise at what they heard Tsuna did at the man's mansion.

"Well. I'll forgive you this time. In exchange you'll have to repay me. And you can call me Master Will." Will smiled.

Tsuna (memory) remained quiet.

"As repayment, I'd like you to kill the Vongola Primo."

Giotto and his Guardians narrowed their eyes.

Tsuna in the memories spoke, "Why? I don't know what that is. And I have no reason to kill."

Giotto smiled at the boy's words.

"Why? What does it matter? You've killed ten times more people than the three hundred men of mine you killed. But anyways, of course you will get something out of it too." Will smirked.

Tsuna (memory) flinched, but it went unnoticed by Will. Instead, Tsuna raised an eyebrow.

"After all, it was the Vongola's boss that killed the people important to you.

Tsuna's (memory) eyes widen, "You th-think I'll believe you?"

Will smiled even more, "You don't have to think, after all, you have hyper intuition, so I'm sure you can tell I'm not lying."

Tsuna (memory) stood up from his chair, "How do you know what I'm feeling?"

Giotto and his Guardians look at the Tsuna next to them surprised at what they just heard.

Then Will's voice from the memory continues, catching their attention, "Well, I'm not surprised you still aren't willing to kill the Vongola Primo, however, you are almost complete. Don't worry I won't make you become a failed experiment like that stupid brat who made it harder for me to experiment on you."

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