Cleaning Up Pt.2

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Jimin's Pov

As much As I hate this job

I neeed  money.

So I continued cleaning up

Seokjin's room was the next one , I cleaned it.

Seokjin was out , No one interrupted my cleaning

Then Namjoon's Room

It had this big and small ryan plushies .. Which I kinda find cute cause he's a grown adult yet he have this things.

I was cleaning his bed and when I pulled up the sheets covering the under of the bed

I saw gay porn magazine's


I replaced the sheets fastly

"Park Jimin", I turned around to see namjoon on the door smirking

I blushed remembering he's gay.

"Hmm.. So you've seen it?",He ask

"What did .. uuhmm I see?",I asked back

"You know what I mean",He said smirking again

I played dumb

"oh stop it , it's fine if you see it... I was only curious but I guess ... Since your here everyone would turn gay for you", he said walking closer to me

He pushed me down the bed

Trapping me with his hands

His Face was inches away from me

he bit my ear

Which made me moan

"Let's have fun sometimes I wanna top",He whispered in my ear and winked at me

Since I was down changing the sheets

I ran away as fast as I can

I... Can I still go on ? I feel like giving up ..but I need money so bad

My phone ringed I fished it out of my pocket and answered the call


Jihyun-ah how are things going? I found a job that give 10millionwon a week

Really hyung ? ! That's great!! Should I tell mom and dad??

No just wait when I send some money to them okay

Okay hyung I gotta go finish my assignments byee

Bye Jihyun-ah do your best at school

The call ended

I gulp..

Last room to clean was yoongi's

I opened the door to see he wasn't there

It was dark and full of kumamon

Is he A vampire ... I mean closed window , dark room

I started cleaning.

I opened the curtains and--


I turned my head to yoongis bed

Oh he was there .. Well I can't see anything

I closed the window

"Kid.. Would you mind and GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM!",he shouted again

I get up and get out of the door.

Jeez.. This guys are impossible..

I just went straight the kitchen

And cooked their Lunch

After I cooked ..

I was so tired .. I bought my things with me

And went up stairs to sleep.

Meanwhile at the dining table where rich kid's are eating

Third Person's Pov

"Guys please don't be mean to jimin",Hoseok pleaded

"Why Jung Hoseok? Do you like him?",Asked Yoongi

"... Yes,Yes I do like him",Hoseok confessed

"but.. I like him too .. I even asked him for a date every night and he said yes",Taehyung contradict

"will you all just eat ,I am too fab for this shit okay!",Seokjin said

They all continued eating no one speaking.

babysitter. jimin x btsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें