"Those threats won't work on me Ray, I like it rough." Alec replied smirking. "I can't help it if you're little show this morning got me all worked up."

We all went silent as a loud, fierce growl filled the car. I looked over at Chris but he was still like the rest of us. Instantly I knew it was Jai. It was strange, I'd seen him get like this a couple of times but it wasn't usually over me. I knew eventually we're supposed to be mated but until he can stop sleeping with anything with legs, that won't be happening. It wasn't our choice, so I don't know why he was getting hostile now. Our fathers decided the day I was born that I would one day be mated with Jai. Which in my mind is a load of bollocks, I should get to choose who I give my heart to not them. This unfortunately has caused me many problems over the years. For instance every female in our pack hates me and every male, won't approach me. I'm like a marked woman, it's ridiculous. Even if I did find someone that I wanted to be with, I couldn't. I'd fight for it with all my might but I wouldn't win.

Eventually after a silent drive we arrived at school. I jumped out of the car as it slowed down, not waiting for it to stop. I was just about to make my way inside when someone grabbed my arm; I quickly turned around to find myself looking at my brother.

"How many times have I told you about waiting for the car to stop? You could hurt yourself just jumping out of It." he said, giving me his over protective brother speech.

"I could get hurt just as bad sitting on guys laps in the back but you don't have a problem with that." I replied, knowing I had him stumped.

"Whatever." He answered.

He was about to let go of my arm when he looked down at it strangely.

"Ray are you feeling ok?" he asked, concern written all over his face.

"Yeah, why?" I asked back.

"You feel really warm." He answered.

"Chris we're always warm." I said. "We're wolves." I whispered laughing at him.

"No shit Sherlock." He replied. "No seriously Ray you feel hot, are you sure you're not coming down with something?"

"Chris I'm fine, a little irritated with you pestering me but fine." I said rolling my eyes at him and hitching my bag on my shoulder.

I turned away from him and walked towards the rest of the guys. I knew what was wrong but I wasn't going to tell him, he'd only smoother me. I was going into heat, I had my seventeenth birthday a couple of weeks back so I was due to start going into heat sooner or later. I knew I should really be at home, locked away in my bedroom away from all the unmated males. Although to be honest, since I live in the pack house with all the males I wouldn't be much safer at home. I still had a little bit of time before my scent changed, so until then I was going to go about my life as usual.

By the time lunch had come around, I wanted nothing more than to get out of this hell hole. I only had a couple of lessons with the guys and the ones where I didn't were spent in silence. No one really took too much notice of me, that or they were too scared to talk to me. Not that I was overly worried, I quite liked having time to myself. But it sure as hell did make it god damn boring. I made my way to the cafeteria after I grabbed my gym bag from my locker. When I got there I noticed the guys were nowhere in sight, it annoyed me a little we usually meet up before we got our food. Instead of dwelling on it, I joined the queue and got myself some lunch. Two slices of pizza, a portion of curly fries and an apple. Unlike most of the girls here, who just had a salad, I had an appetite. In fact I loved to eat. As the weather outside was nice, I took my food and headed for the field. Once I found a good spot I chilled out and devoured my lunch in record time. Food gone I took off my hoodie and rolled my top up just under my bra; I took my hair out from the bun and laid down on my back soaking in the sun. If I could I would spend the rest of the day like this. The sun's warmth on my bare skin was so soothing, so much so I could feel myself starting to fall asleep. Just as I started to doze off, I was aware of noises coming from the bushes behind me. I couldn't quite figure out what it was so I shut it out and continued to doze. As the noises got louder it became harder to ignore, so much so it was starting to piss me off. After another couple of minutes I sat up and considered going to find out what it was. Luckily I didn't have to do that as seconds later a tall beautiful wolf, who I knew to be named Carrie, came walking out. Her face was flushed as she tried to straighten up her clothes; she looked over at me smirking before making her way back to the school. I knew exactly what had happened in those bushes and who it was with; I could smell him on her. I knew I shouldn't care but for some reason it pained me to know what he had just done a couple of feet away from me. I wasn't a fool, I knew he slept around and it wasn't as though we were exactly a couple, we were being forced together. Moments later Jai came walking out, a smug smile on his face. I tried to stay quiet hoping that he wouldn't spot me. Unfortunately I wasn't that lucky, his head whipped towards me and his smug smile was gone. If anything he looked annoyed.

"What are you looking at?" he snapped.

"Nothing." I replied looking down at the ground.

For some reason in that moment I couldn't bring myself to look at him. After I sensed him walking away I grabbed my bag and ran as fast as I could. I had to get out of there, I may not be able to shift but I still had a fierce temper. Going into heat wasn't helping either. All I knew was if I saw him again right now, I'd rip his throat out.

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