Chapter Two

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     I'd been walking for about fifteen minutes and I was already wishing that I waited for the guys. Don't get me wrong, I love the outdoors and everything but it was just too hot and the school wasn't exactly close. Normally I'd grab a lift with the others but I didn't really want to stick around today in case my dad started up on me again. It was the same old story every day. I'd come down wearing what I wanted to wear and it would be wrong, that I should be proud of my beauty and let the world see it. I just wished he'd realise that that's just not important to me. I know deep down he just wishes I was more like my mother but he needs to get it in his head that I'm not her and I never will be. I hitched my bag onto my shoulder again and wished the heat would let up. Just as I was about to give up, I heard the rumble of an all too familiar car engine coming up the road behind me. As I suspected the car slowed and crawled along the curb beside me.

"Come on Ray get in the car." I heard Chris say.

"Nah I'm good." I replied, not wanting the guys to know I was struggling. "Besides I wouldn't have thought I was your favourite person right now." I said turning to look at him.

"You're always my favourite person. Now get that skinny arse in the car before I get one of the rabble to carry you in." he said smirking.

Looking into his blue eyes that matched my own, I knew he was bluffing. Deciding to surrender, I slowly made my way over to the car. Opening the back passenger door, I climbed into the already overcrowded vehicle and sat on Alec's lap. Most girls would be blushing and excited to be sitting on his lap but it was just an everyday occurrence for me. To be honest most girls would be a mumbling mess around these guys but I was just used to it now, they were my family. Don't get me wrong, they were really attractive. Not that I would ever admit that to them, they didn't need their heads getting any bigger. Alec was the smallest of the bunch, around 6ft tall. He was well built, just like all male wolves, with piercing chocolate brown eyes and messy dirty blonde hair. The twins, Markus and Jared, were like day and night. Markus had pale blue eyes and dark Brown hair whereas Jared, he had hazel eyes and pale blonde hair. The only similarity between them, apart from their sense of humour, was their height they were both about 6ft2. Chris, well he was pretty much the male version of me. A lot of people assumed we were twins. Which to be honest I don't blame them, after all there was only ten months between us. It would be more but I was two months premature. It's still not a huge gap but what can I say. He had the same reddish brown hair colour as me but he shaved it close to his head. He was about the same height as the twins but was a lot bulkier; if it wasn't for the whole wolf thing I'd swear he was on steroids. Finally there was Jai, he stood out from the rest but he was born to stand out. He was around 6ft4 and well-toned, his skin had a tanned golden glow to it. His short dark auburn hair contrasted beautifully with his deep emerald green eyes. He was definitely a sight to behold but being a female wolf and him being an Alpha, I'm bound to be drawn to him. The power he projected called to any female wolf or female in general. A fact that he used to his advantage time and time again. It's enough to make you sick.

"So guys, what were you talking about?" I asked.

"Not a lot but we could talk about the first thing that pops up." Alec said winking at me.

"Alec not cool man, not cool." I replied jumping off him quickly and sitting on the twins. "Hey guys." I said smiling up at them.

"Hey Ray." They chuckled back.

"Ray sit still back there, if you're not careful we'll get pulled over again." Chris said, looking at me through the rear-view mirror.

"Well then you had better tell Alec to behave himself. I swear one more pervy look or comment and I'm punching him." I said glaring at Alec.

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