I smiled awkwardly, “eheh. sorry I didn't mean to yell. I was going to say something because I thought I heard you two talking about me, but then I forgot to think of what to say...” I finish sheepishly as soul's glare turns into that sloppy grin with a drop of drool, and maka giggles lightly.

“i was just saying that you look cute when you sleep with your thumb in your mouth” Maka says, smili—wait, what?!

“wh-what?!” I feel my cheeks heat up.

OoOoooO, a girl just called you cute, it's SUCH a big deal what are you gonna do, Miyuki? Maybe you should-

shuttup, you pervert. No one's ever called you cute, get on my level, child.

I clear my throat, “th-th-thankyou..” I say, still hot. Why the heck am I stuttering?

“you just looked so carefree like that on Soul's back...”

soul makes a disapproving sound, “humph! actually, it was a pain carrying you. You drool all over the place, the back of my shirt is wet now! Not cool, Miyuki.” I pull my cheek away from 'the cushion' what I know notice is his soggy black and yellow sweatshirt. What am I supposed to say to that?

“well now you know how disgusting it is when you drool and smile at the same time” maka says twitching.

“it's not like I'm trying to drool though! Besides I look cool so it doesn't really matter!” I roll my eyes and Maka just ignores him.

Does everything this guy does have to be considered 'cool'? What a pain...

“oh yeah...why am I on your back anyways? You could have just woken me up” I say, feeling more conscious of the hands under my thighs, as my cheeks get the slightest bit warm.

“tch! you say that like no one's ever told you how you sleep.” soul says twitching as he continues to walk, Swinging me with every step.

“what do you mean?”

“wait. You seriously don't know? Did you forget or something?” soul answers with a weird look

“what the heck are you even talking about?” I ask with one eyebrow up sounding annoyed and Soul and turns his head towards me with a blank expression plastered on his face.

“Miyuki, we would've woken you up if we could but...” maka drifts off

“we might as well be trying to make pigs fly,” Soul finishes for her, “we tried pouring cold water, tickling, dropping, and flicking you, but you didn't even flinch.”, oh that makes sense... wait he tried to flick me? The bastard! Trying to get back, ey? Well I’m going to-- wait if I didn't wake up then...how did I...?

I look down at myself. wow....

“you know you really could've done something about my clothing and appearance, though” Sekki erupts in a ball of laughter though, as he takes in my appearance. I hate that weapon. He needs to go on a little 'vacation' and never come back. Yes please....

I'm wearing Maka's pink Pajamas: a button-up cotton shirt and pants from last night and as I run my hand over my long, curly hair, I don't even want to try to describe the texture. It's not worth trying to describe such a worthless glob of messiness. Just about everyone in the street way is staring at us, like I’m wearing no clothes, instead of just sleep clothes. But then again if I was in the middle of the sidewalk and saw a white-haired, canine-boy with blood red eyes, carrying a girl-who-looks-12-but-isn't-really-12 in pink PJ's, walking with some skinny-stick girl in weird white sandals and a black robe with twin tails, then I would stare at them like they were a freaking unicorn appearing in my bedroom. But then again we aren't unicorns so, getting all this attention makes me squirm in anger.

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