Grey eyes

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As I opened my eyes,I heard the music blast from the speakers.And I regretted even waking up.I seriously don't like these kind of rituals.I changed my pajamas,wearing a cream coloued shalwar kameez with yellow embroidery.Checking the time,I nearly chocked out my toothpaste.It was 3:00 pm.All these days,we have been sleeping at 2 or 3:00Am.I suppose that js the reason why no one woke me.I checked to see if Zara was there and I saw her sleeping.She will kill me if I don't wake her.
Thank god the function was at 7:00 pm otherwise we were planning to hold the function at day.Allah does everything for a reason.
Mathe te chamkan wal...
Again!I groaned at the punjabi song that just blasted.I seriously hate all of this but traditions are also important otherwise all the gossip women will come here.
"Aaaaa",I heard someone and it was Zara yawning.She rubbed her eyes and tried to open them but was unable.I picked my phone and hid behing the couch.As I swiped the lock screen of my phone,I saw her lay again.I guess she didn't check the time.I opened the camera app and pressed the recording button.I know she was gonna sing her morning song and yes,she did.
"Aaaaatttiiiiiibityaaaaaaaneeeeemaurrrraaaaa",she sang,her eyes still shut and her legs in a twirl.I couldn't hold my laughter but she was looking cute.This continued until me-and she-were interrurpted my a phone call.Our ringtone was same so I guess she couldn't figure out if it was hers but I felt my phone vibrate so I eran out of the room before she could caught me.We,whenever sleep together,do a thing.We put pillows under blankets and pretend it to be Ashfiya.
Ashfiya was our other one-third until..
"Come on Ash you can do it",we clapped and screamed loudly.Tina and Tiya gave Ashfiya a challenge.She have to make a dog run after her.She was afraid of dogs but also wannted the bullies to shut up.Thats why she accepted the challenge reluctantly.We supported her as the bullies were also a problem but now I wish we wouldn't have.
The dog bit her and she was admitted into ICU.
*Flashback ended*
We were only thirteen at that time and her mother thought it was our fault.She took her to Japan,to her father.All these years,they lived here just because Ashfiya didnt want to leave us but now,Aunty thought that this was not a bit reasonable.
I remembrr Ashfiya's letters,strained with tears sritten with her usual black pointer.I rember her calling me and begging me to take her here.Her mother and father were not on good terms and that was another reason they were here but her mother was never gonna admit that.Now!we are not in contact.I don't know what happened but she just deactivated all her social media accounts.She also blocked our number.Once I tried calling her with bhai's number but as soon as I muttered my hello,she ended the call.
I quickly brushed off all the thoughts as I saw Zara approaching me."Ouch",was the only thing that came out of my mouth as she smacked me.
"Why didn't you wake me?",I knew this was coming and I tried to make a reason but the only thing that came out of my mouth was Ehh so I showed her the video and mentally smacked myself because she also hit me on forehead.Ouch!
We entered aapi's house which was decorated with bright yellow and red flowers.The hall was selected for the ceremony amd we all sat there with the dholki woman.She was very polite and even offered to do the kohl on aapi as no one was expert and we wanted to keep it natural so no makeup artist was hired.After all the insisting,she did the kohl very neatly and beaitifully.Faryal aapi was in her red and yellow lehnga.The blouse,which was a long one was yello and the skirt was red with yellow beads.I was wearing a yellow maxi with green beads and dupatta.There was no one in the women's section(hall) so there was no need of a hijab.I was having one green tho in my handbag just in case.
Misha api was also wearing same suit as me but she was wearing a green hijab all the time.It was a verh beautifful hijab with yellow embroidery and instead of placing it in her bag,she wore it.She looked adorable.
Zainab was having the same suit however hers was pink with yellow.She looked so cute that I was gonna eat her.I was glad,she finally moved on.
Zara was wearing a orange and shocking pink kurta shalwar with orange shirt and pink dupatta and shalwar.The colours suited her well and two of my other cousins;Faria and Afra were having red ghararas.They both were in the same college and were studying medical.One can say they were twins by their looks and interests but they weren't even sisters.They were just two best friends-or cousins-in that case.
I must say we all were looking nice in these bright colours,mostly Faryal api.If bhai was there,he would be drooling.Oh!my poor bhai and breathtaking bhabhi.
As we started the dance,I could tell nobody was enjoying it as we were just like monkeys or maybe they were.Either way they were clapping and hooting.Henna was placed on aapi's and our's hands before the function because instead of a mehndi function,we wanted a Mayun one.Bhai also gave us the idea of holding both functions but Faryal aapi politely refused.
As Ballay ballay ended,the song Boley chooriyan was started by the ladies and I was the lead dancer in this. song.Thankfully,it was also the last song and I was beyond ectastic for the function to end.I became the lead dancer however zara and Misha api were behind me.Zainab,Afra amd Faria were behind them.
"Wait a second!I am going to the washroom",I told Zara who did not imsisted on coming with me just lkke those fiction friends so I went all by myself.I wore my gren scarf recalling the incident that happened some time ago.
Mrs khan,who is our newly-shifted neighbour complimented my hijab which I wore just to show it to Afra.She is a fan of hijabs.
Mrs Khan also told me that she needed me to tutor her kids in Islam.A boy and a girl.I know the girl was Hoorab whom Misha api is a fan of but I don't know anything about the boy.I don't care at all however I recall aunty calling him zain or zaim(A|N pronounced as Za(a is like car)ee(like geek)im as in (in)
Aah!Finally I reached the washroom.I was just gonna enter the washroom when I saw a boy,his head towards the tab and his feet in the sink as if he was doing wudhu.As I twisted the doorknob,it made a strange sound and his face turned towards me and did I add his eyes were grey.I wanted to stare at  him but it was haram so I quickly shifted my gaze as he also started looking at his feet.He was wearing a black sherwani with grey buttons.His grey eyes clmplimented his suit well.
As I headed towards the toilet,I heard someone calling him Zaim which caught my attention.
What if Aunty was talking about him?
Okay sorry for not updating on Saturday.It was eid then.Will update soon.
And who is this Mr Zaim?

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*Miss creamy muffin*

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