Faryal's birthday

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As I touched the golden sheet of paper,my phone rang.I quickly grabbed it throwing the paper on the table.I check the caller Id which happened to be Irtiza bhai.I wonder why is he calling.Wasn't he in someplace where there was no signal.I can't remember the name but I remember one thing.There are mountains.Not the green ones but the rough ones though I personally like them better.Pressing the green button which was the option to accept the call,I uttered my Salaam and asked if everything was okay.It was weird of him to call me.He could have rang mama but I guess Mama texted him that today is Faryal api's birthday,well it is not but we are celebrating it and they were at their home the whole time decorating the place with balloons and other accessories.
"Walaikumusalam and Alhumdulillah everything is going well.I finished my work and I am returning today",that were the lines I heard and I guess I was supposed to only hear them otherwise he muttered something else.
"Come carefully.I want you to be hale and healthy",I told him however I must admit that I sound like Mama.
"In sha Allah!one more thing.Keep it a surprise",I agreed the same instant.With some other little talk I ended the call but before that I told him to take care.However,one thing was strange and weird,I must add.He told me to keep it a surprise from only Fawad uncle family,not Mama and Baba.He was okay to tell them.I wonder what is going on.


I wore my white cotton top.It was a cute paplum with thread work in pink,lemon yellow,aqua and black.The black was more prominent and I matched it with my jet black jeans.My jet black hair were a perfect match but I was going to cover them with my silk black hijab.I opened a youtube tutorial of how to wear hijab?Its not like I dont know but I like to try new styles like other girls like it with their hair.I like it with my hijab.I liked the way she smiled whole heartedly and how she explained all little details but the hijab was not covering about one-third of her hair so I decided to try a new one but ended up doing my usual.I applied minimum makeup with just a light baby pink lip gloss.I wore my nerds whose frames were also black with my watch which was white but I decided to change the straps into black.I really like black.
I knew there were going to be many people.All my family i.e her paternal family and her maternel family which is not less than an army but most of the people live foreign.One of my phupo(father's sister) also lives in Canada though she visited us two times.I really miss her daughter Zainab.Though she is bigger but she insists that I call her Zainab.She says when I was small I always called her Thainab.I can't imagine.She is exactly 4 years older than me.Even my birthday which I found was not 9 november but 1st april and she is also 1st aprilist.Our cousins say we are fools but calling us fools make the person a fool.Right?
Thinking about Zainab,I grinned at the unknown canadian number.I never saved Zainab's number.Don't know why.
"Hello Zainab!!!I miss you jani",I uttered in excitement but stopped when I heard professional voice which was like a nurse voice.And it was a nurse"I am sorry to inform you miss but Mrs Naima Javed died in a car accident.Her daughter is continuosly crying and we will recommend you to visit her but even I can't stop sniffing at the news.
As much as I was worried about Zainab,it was Faryal api's 20th birthday and it was important not to ruin it so as soon as Bhai arrived,we both went to their home.I could tell from Bhai's attire that he was tired yet glad that he finally completed his project.It was his Boss's command to do an exhibition in a town.The mountains were for inspiration and he was living in them but I think yesterday he did the exhibition though it was supposed to be held today.
"Bhai when did the event happen?",I enquired."Huh?",looks like he didn't hear me.I repeated the same thing and this time after some hesitation he told me that it was held today."And will you please tell me why were you so eager to come here",I felt the urge to ask and finally asked the question popping in my mind."Well,"he paused for dramatic effects"you will know",and I didn't ask him either cause,I will know.
"Oh my gosh!Irtiza you here?"
"OMG eeeeek"
"What a surprise?"
"I am so happiii"
"You are back",I saw Faryal smile and maybe blush too but I think its the makeup.
"I have an announcement to make or maybe its a request.Uncle Fawad I request you to"this time it weren't those effects.It was something else"I ask for Faryal to marry. I have seen her love for god and thats what I ask for and I have done istikhaarah and I personally felt like doing it.Happy Birthday Faryal.No matter what decision you make,I accept",his voice was really confident and professional I must say.
"Okay first of all I trust you very much Irtiza and it will be an honour but I ask for Faryal's approval.Give her some time.She will pray her istikhaarah and tell you.",Fawad uncle replied in the same professional tone.I squealed like it was me who was getting married to someone.Yeah,totally like that.I have never imagined him.Will he be black lover like me or a snobby pink lover boy.Don't know if it is pink lover or lover boy.Oh My God!!!
What am I thinking?I am a total freak.I didn't notice but I was blushing,like crazy.
"I agree but I want my time as Papa said but I think I also need uncle Ahsan's approval.Uncle Ahsan?",Faryal answered my brother who was also blushing like a monkey and my self said'look who is talking'.
"I...am lost of words.I was talking to Nouran about this, the other day and now.Son I am glad"
I forgot about Zainab in all the joy.I feel sorry for her.Oh come on!Here we are happy like we are in heaven and her mother is not anymore.At least that is what is seems like.
Okay!I personally think that the chapter is a bit short but that is to give me time.I need time to think about Zainab.
Today's question

Do you like Firtiza couple?

You Belong With Me*Muslim Lovestory*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora