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When Luke returned, Michael was laid on the sofa; sprawled out with one arm brushing the floor as he stared across at the television. The blonde rolled his eyes slightly as he ushered the other man inside, closing the door behind the two of them; watching as his friend glanced away from the television to look back at his housemate.

Once his eyes landed on the other, unfamiliar figure; Michael carefully pushed himself up, planting his feet firmly onto the floor as he stared across at the two. This must be Ashton. He bit the inside of his cheek as he watched the man, giving him a small smile as he directed his gaze back to Luke.

The blonde man carefully motioned towards the man he had brought with him, making his way further into the living room; perching himself on the edge of the arm chair as he motioned for Ashton to take a seat in it.

"This is Ashton, Ashton; this is Michael."

Ashton nodded his head slightly, offering a soft smile as he carefully sat himself down in the chair; rubbing his palms together as he slowly glanced around the apartment, biting the inside of his cheek as he glanced back towards Michael.

He had heard a lot about the black-haired man; he seemed to come up in most of the conversations he had with Luke. At first, he felt as though he was intruding; but it was clear that Luke's concern and love was nothing more than platonic.

"So, you guys are just friends?" Michael raised an eyebrow slightly as he stood up, bringing his hands above his head as he stretched himself out; closing his eyes as he let out a small groan, listening to his bones crack slightly as he stretched them out.

Ashton chuckled softly as he glanced back at Luke, wondering how he was supposed to answer that. He glanced back towards the other man, shrugging his shoulders slightly as he stared up at him.

"Close friends."

Michael watched the two suspiciously. If Luke was dating this man, and Michael had no doubts that he was, he wouldn't be open about it; for some strange reason, he hated talking about his personal life.

That always made Michael laugh.

Luke was renowned for prying at people; crawling under their skin and making them talk, because he knew what was best for people. He knew that people needed to talk, and that it was good for a person if they opened up to the correct person. However, when it came to Luke himself; he wouldn't utter a single word about anything. Not his childhood nor his relationships. He was a closed book.

Sometimes Michael hated him for it, but he was his best friend; and he wouldn't change him for the world.

"Have you heard about Appetite For Destruction?" Luke raised an eyebrow slightly as he stared across at the man, raising an eyebrow slightly. Michael shook his head slightly; of course, he didn't. He didn't care for the band, nor were they a topic he wanted to follow.

"They've got a new bassist," the blonde man hummed slightly as he raised an eyebrow, standing himself up before slapping Ashton's arm.

The golden haired man sighed quietly as he swatted the man away, rummaging through his satchel before pulling out a magazine; carefully flicking through the pages before he settled on an article.

He folded the page slightly before he held it out to Michael, pointing down at the youngest - and newest- member of the band.

Michael sighed softly as he took the magazine out of her grip, carefully glancing over the pictures

The man was well built, rather stocky; with a fair few tattoos. He was of clear Maori descent, with messy black hair which had a blonde streak running through the front. He nodded his head slightly as he handed the magazine back towards him.

"I've never known a band lose members as regularly as they do," Luke chuckled softly as he shook his head, shoving the magazine back into Ashton's lap, "he's called Calum, I think. Calum Hood."

Michael gave the man a small, forced smile as he sat back down; sighing quietly to himself as he leaned back against the sofa, glancing towards the television. He didn't want to seem rude, but he really didn't give a shit about the band or any of its members.

He was a full-grown man, he didn't have time to obsess over bands; at least, not bands like AFD. His heart was settled firmly within bands like Metallica, Anthrax and Pantera.

Luke watched Michael for a moment, biting the inside of his cheek; he sensed Michael's distaste for the topic of their conversation, so he decided to move on from it. He decided to speak about careers; which, probably wasn't the best topic, but Michael preferred it.

Luke didn't have a career, per say, neither did Michael. They had hopes and dreams, but no real career. Ashton, however, was a university professor; or at least, he had been.

"They expelled me for my theory of Actual Reality," Ashton chuckled softly as he glanced between the two men. Luke didn't seem too bothered about what was being said, which indicated that he had probably already heard this story once or twice before.

Michael, however, was interested. He had no idea what Actual Reality was, but he enjoyed learning about new things. Sometimes, he thought about going back to University; but the prospect of leaving the apartment scared him half to death.

"Actual Reality?" Michael furrowed his eyebrows as he shifted slightly on the sofa, moving himself closer to the edge as he stared across at the man, "what's that?"

"It's basically the idea that society needs to unplug from the computers, television and entertainment world; and realise that AIDS is a problem," Luke spoke up, reciting what he had already been told several times before by an almost over enthusiastic Ashton.

Michael tensed slightly as he stared at the man, furrowing his eyebrows slightly, "AIDS?"

"Don't react so badly. Society needs to realise that AIDS is a real problem that we should be devoting not some, but all of our time to," Ashton hummed softly as he stared across at him, "it isn't just a punch line, nor is it an insult. It's a life-threatening condition, and people see it in such a twisted light. People think, because it's a gay thing they don't need to worry about it. But they do. It affects everybody; gay or straight. People need to wake up."

"You have AIDS?" Michael shifted slightly as he stared at the man, glancing back towards Luke who narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Yes, I do; don't worry, I won't contaminate you."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound so rude," Michael blushed slightly as he looked away, sighing quietly to himself as he ran his hands over his face, "I'm just interested, that's all. I agree with your theory, though. Have you written any papers on it?"

Ashton smiled softly as he stared across at the man, nodding his head slightly, "I've written a few, yeah."

"Could I read them?" Michael raised an eyebrow slightly as he watched him. He wasn't the best reader around; he found it hard to read, but he enjoyed it nonetheless.

Ashton's face lit up slightly at the request as he quickly nodded his head. Shifting slightly in the arm chair, he lifted himself up; motioning back to where Luke was sitting. The blonde had been admiring the two men, but quickly snapped back into reality as Ashton's hand gently met his upper arm.

"I'll have Luke bring you them over," he smiled softly as he stared up at the blonde before glancing back to Michael, "I might be doing a lecture at the university, about Actual Reality. You should come see it."

Michael paused slightly as he stared at the man; leaving the apartment didn't seem like the best idea to him. He wasn't entirely sure why he was so scared of leaving, but it probably had something to do with the fact that he hadn't been out in so long.

Luke sighed quietly as he watched his friends clear discomfort. He placed a hand on Ashton's shoulder and carefully shook his head, opening his mouth to speak. He raised an eyebrow slightly as he pressed his lips together; Michael already beating him to it.

"Thanks, and yeah; I'll definitely come to the lecture."

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