"She looks just like you when you were a baby," Lorelai said, quietly.


"Yes, it was like a time machine had taken me back to the day when you were born.  Thankfully, I didn't have to experience the crate of dynamite this time!" Lorelai replied with a little laugh.  "I'm going to go check on Luke."

Lorelai left in search of Luke, and we were alone in the room for the first time as a family.  It was how it was supposed to be.  We wasted too many years playing our town twisted game of life.  Now, we had finally become the family of three that I'd always seen for us.  Of course I wasn't imagining just one child forever, rather, it was the beginning of the next phase of our lives.  It was never with anyone else.  It was always Rory that I saw with me on this journey.  I let myself soak in the moment when it hit me.  I had the perfect name.

"She's beautiful, just like her mother," I said breaking the silence.  I kissed Ace on the forehead, and then Little Ace.  I stood next to them with an arm around Rory and my hand gently on the baby's head.  She began to stir a little as we stared at her.  She opened her eyes and they were crystal clear blue, just like Rory's.

"Have you given any more thoughts to names?" I asked softly.

"Yes, but nothing seems quite right," she replied.

"What about Emma?" I suggested.  It was a nice nod to Rory's grandmother without calling her Emily.  It's a nice name, but wasn't quite right either.

"It's a great Jane Austen novel, but it's just not quite enough," She said with a little smile.  Of course her mind immediately went to literature, I thought with a silent chuckle.

"Do you like it though?" I prodded.  My gut told me it was the right name, and I was committed to it.

She paused for a moment.  "What about Emmaline?  We could call her Emma for short."

I didn't think there was a more perfect name than Emma, but Emmaline was it!  "Hello, Emmaline," I said looking at her.  I put my finger into the palm of her hand and she wrapped her hand around it.  "Did you know today is your birthday?"

"Hi, Emma," Rory said, peering into her eyes.

The nurse came in to check on Rory and Emma.  She recommended Rory try to feed the baby.  I took our daughter so she could get ready for it.  The nurse helped Ace get into a good position while I entertained the little one.  I handed her back so Rory could feed her.  It was at this point, I decided to slip out to give them some time to bond without me.  She hadn't had the opportunity because she'd been whisked away to surgery.  I never thought I could love anyone as much as I loved these two.  I took the time to take a short walk and decompress after the extremely stressful day I'd had.  I couldn't help but smile thinking of them.

After a short walk, I returned to Ace's room.  I couldn't wipe the perma-grin off my face.  I was so unbelievably happy.  I saw the baby sleeping peacefully in her arms.  I sat next to them on the bed, studying the tiny features on my daughter's face.

"You were so amazing today, Ace," I said, kissing her on the side of the head.  My gaze returned to the child in her arms.

"You want to hold her?"

"You had to ask?" I replied with a grin.  I loved feeling her in my arms.  There was a pure and simple love.  This little girl had already stolen my heart.

"Now that we've settled on a first name, we should really figure out her middle name," she said.

"I guess I hadn't given it too much thought, since we had such a hard time with the first name," I replied.

"I think I'd really like to honor my mom.  She's the strongest woman I know and has been a big influence in my life."

"So, are we going with Lorelai?"

"No, I think I'd like to use Victoria for her middle name," Rory suggested.

"Emmaline Victoria....I don't think there's any debate here.  Very strong feminine vibes and it's very reflective of you and your mom," I stated.

"You think so?" she replied with a happy smile.

"I always have," I replied happily.

"Knock, knock, knock," Lorelai said from the doorway as if right on cue for her entrance.

"Come in, come in," Ace replied.

She entered, followed by Luke.  His smile was nearly as big as my own.  Lorelai moved over to me and I promptly handed Emma to her.

"Mom, Luke, we'd like you to meet Emmaline....Emma for short," Rory said introducing the baby.

"I think that's a beautiful name, Rory.  It's not Lorelai, and I thought we had a thing going...." Lorelai said with a smile.

"Lorelai, we didn't forget about you," I said.

"Oh?" Lorelai asked.

"Her name is Emmaline Victoria," I stated.

"Really?" she said, her voice breaking a little.

"Really, Mom," Rory replied, smiling at her.  I could see her trying to hide the tears that were hiding just below the surface.  This little girl was the most wonderful thing that happened to sue as a family, and I couldn't be more grateful.

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now