Chapter 27

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"Doyle?" I said.

"Sorry, Rory.  I didn't know where else to go.  I have nowhere else to go."

"What are you talking about?  I thought you were writing screenplays and had a loft in Tribeca," I replied.

"I was, and I did.  One day, you're crashing in Ratner's pool house, and the next, no one even remembers who you are.  No one's throwing any fat sacks of cash at me.  I've really made a mess of things," Doyle confessed.

"I'm so sorry, Doyle.  This is awful.  Have you talked to Paris?"

"No.  There's no way I could face her after what I've done," he replied.

"You need to talk to her."

"I will.  Just not tonight."

"Why don't you stay here tonight, Doyle?" Logan said.

"Yes, you can stay here.  Tomorrow, we can figure out how to help you face Paris," I said.

"Really?" he said with a hopeful smile.

"We all know that Paris is a force to be reckoned with and you'll need all the help you can get," I replied.  "Go grab your stuff and I'll show you upstairs."

Doyle returned a few moments later with a small duffle bag.  I brought him upstairs to my old room.  We hadn't redecorated, but it was the only room that was fully furnished at this point.

"Sorry, it's so pink.  We haven't redone this room yet, but it's the only one with a bed right now.  The bathroom is next door and there are fresh towels in the linen closet.  Let us know if you need anything," I said.

"Rory, thank you.  You have no idea how much I appreciate this.  I know you and Paris have been friends for a long time.  You could have told me to get lost when I showed up tonight, but you didn't."

"I know, as well as you do, that you and Paris belong together.  She seems to be unhappy with this situation, too.  She might not be happy if she knew we were helping you, but ultimately, we are helping you both," I replied.

"I miss her so much.  I don't know what I was thinking with the screenwriting and California.  I guess it felt so good to be wanted, in demand," he confessed.  "It's not always like that with Paris."

"I think you need a good night's rest.  We can talk about this tomorrow, ok?"

"Thank you, again, Rory.  Thank Logan for me, too."

"I will," I said softly.

I turned around and left Doyle alone.  I couldn't help feeling bad for him.  I didn't how we could even start to help him with Paris, and if he's out of a job, that may make this even more challenging.  I finally made my way back down to Logan.

"So, what's going on with Doyle?"

"I think he's out of a job and wants to get back together with Paris, but you know her.  This is not going to be easy," I replied.

"No, it's not," he said, laughing a bit.  "I just don't know what we can do to help him without poking the bear."

"More like hornets' nest," I said with a little laugh.  "I'm not sure what we can do either, Logan."

"I say we go to bed and figure it out tomorrow," Logan suggested.

"That means I have to take those stairs again, doesn't it?" I said, laughing.  "We should have put in an elevator!"

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed.  It was not a feeling I was used to as I got further along in the pregnancy.  The new body pillow Logan got for me has really helped cradle the bump at night.  I was finally able to find a comfortable sleeping position.  This was also the first night in a long time I didn't have to go to the bathroom 4 or 5 times throughout the night.

"Morning, Ace," Logan said, kissing me.

"Morning, Logan," I replied, pausing.  "Oh, no!  What time is it?  They are delivering the nursery furniture at 9 this morning."

"It's only 8.  You have plenty of time before they get here.  Now, I want you to sit back and relax.  I'm going to bring you breakfast in bed," Logan said, grinning.

"You don't have to do that," I said, pausing for dramatic effect.  "Ok, if you insist!"

Logan went downstairs.  I pulled myself out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.  I had just enough time to take a quick shower and get back into bed.  I heard Logan's voice from the hallway.  It seems Doyle was up and about.  The door opened and Logan entered with a tray of food, including coffee.

"He still wears his 'Property of Alcatraz' pajama pants," Logan said in disbelief.

"You're kidding me, right?"

"No, I'm not.  He was just out in the hall.  I told him to go downstairs and get some breakfast," he replied.

"This breakfast looks amazing, Logan," I stated.

The coffee tasted as good as it smelled.  The food was delicious, too.  Just as I finished, the doorbell rang.  I started getting out of bed to answer the door.  It was inevitably the delivery of the nursery furniture.

"You stay here, I'll go let them in," he said.

"Are you sure?  I'm feeling pretty good right now."

"Yes, I'm sure," he replied, looking at me.  "If you'd like, you can show them where to put things.  This way, you don't have to do the stairs and you can have a little more time without Doyle's drama."

"Do you know something I don't know?"

"He might have started in earlier until I redirected him to food.  Saved myself for the time being," he replied, smiling.

"This is going to be much bigger than we thought, isn't it?"

"Is anything involved Paris ever small?  We need to be very careful and tread lightly."

"I guess our best course of action is to connect the dots, then figure out what we are going to do from there," I suggested.

The doorbell rang a second time.  Logan left quickly and I started moving toward the hall.  I figured it was the delivery guys, but I was mistaken.  From the top of the stairs, I could hear who was here.

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora