Monster - Keith (Angst)

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Requested by: Anonymous

Slowly opening your eyes, you stumbled out of the cryopod while tripping over your own feet. You were about to hit the floor when you felt a pair of arms catch you just in time. You mumbled and tried to lift your heavy eyelids, "Keith?" The question hung in the air; no one wanted to tell you that Keith wasn't the one holding you. No one wanted to confess that he hadn't come out of his room since you had been hurt. No one wanted you to know that he blamed himself for what happened.

After a few minutes, your thoughts began to gather and pieces of your memory came reeling back. You were on a rescue mission because Keith had been captured by Lotor. You, along with the other paladins, were determined to get him back. Hunk and Lance had launched an attack on the front of the ship, acting as a decoy while you and Allura snuck in through a loading area around the back.

Pidge's voice came through over a low static hum in your helmet, "Okay, I've hacked into the Galra's mainframe, but you'll only have about 5 ticks to get in while I disarm the locks on the door." She gave you the all clear, and you and Allura made your move, following her instructions as you ran through the winding halls.

At one point, you and Allura were forced to split up because there was no way of knowing whether Keith was being held with the other prisoners or with Lotor himself. You volunteered to face Lotor, seeing as he was the one who actually kidnapped your boyfriend. Despite her protests, you left Allura to rescue the other prisoners and continued your trek to the control room. You ran as fast as you could and quickly reached a set of large metal doors. They loomed in front of you, but whether Keith was behind them, you didn't know.

Your breath hitched as Pidge opened the doors using her computer. All other sounds were immediately drowned out by the intense beating of your heart. Thump, thump. Thump, thump. Thump, thump. The doors slid open slowly and the air weighed thick with anticipation. Once they parted, you saw Keith chained to the wall in front of you. His head was hanging limply, illuminated by the dim purple lighting. For a moment, you thought he might be dead.

Tears sprung to your eyes as you rushed towards him and shouted his name, "Keith!" He groggily looked up and you were able to see how badly he was hurt. His face was covered in endless scrapes and bruises, dripping with blood that blended into the color of his armor. As soon as he registered who you were, his eyes widened and he began to yell, "Y/N, you need to leave! It's a trap! Get out of here!" But before you could act, someone knocked you down.

You lifted your hand to feel the bump forming on your head and shifted your gaze upwards. Lotor's face stared back at you, smirking as he kicked you in the stomach. You grunted and doubled over, causing Keith to push forward against his shackles."You bastard!" He shouted, "Leave her alone!" His protests, however, were useless. Lotor continued to ruthlessly attack you, laughing as your cries grew louder. Eventually, you passed out after suffering another harsh blow to the head, and your battered body lied helplessly on the floor.

Keith stared at you in disbelief, but Lotor watched triumphantly and snapped his fingers. Two guards hurried and picked you up, scurrying towards the opposite wall. They locked you in the same shackles that Keith had come to know during his time spent on Lotor's ship. He begged and pleaded to take your place, but it did no good. Lotor knew that you were the key to destroying the Black Paladin and he was prepared to use that to his advantage.

All of a sudden, the doors opened and Haggar slithered inside. She glanced at Keith for a moment, but quickly turned her attention back to Lotor. He gave a slight nod and she began to  walk in your direction. Keith's heart sunk as a powerless feeling washed over him. He knew that her magic was strong, and started to worry that she might break you. Unfortunately, the only thing he could do was pray for the arrival of the other paladins.

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