Step 2 in Taking Down Gotham

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Bane spoke allowed to his followers, "Everyone is to be ready, for in two days time, we will be robbing the stock exchange."

"Two days? That's impossible to be ready by then." Bane turned to face the man and crushed his neck.

"Anyone else think it is too soon?" Bane asked angered. He looked from man to man and turned back to his little fire. He watched the flames dance around, seeing the way that Emily danced on him. He blinked back tears that threatened to escape. Moments later, the room was empty and Bane let his emotions out, throwing a gun at a wall. "This one's for you, Em," Bane said to himself. Bane's right hand man entered and stood a meter from Bane. "What is it," Bane asked, his face turned away from Barsad.

"Sir, Talia is getting closer to Wayne."

"Good, everything is working out, just as she had predicted." Bane turned to face Barsad, his emotions buried deep within now, "We must carry out our end now." Barsad nodded and exited.

Banes men had successfully penetrated the stock exchange building. Bane punched and shot his way through the entrance. He looked around the room and could see the same fear in everyone's eyes that had been in Emily's eyes that first day they met. He turned and found a man sitting on a stool, above everyone else. This man reminded him of Emily's brother. He moved over to the man and tried to belittle him, as Emily's brother had done to her. "This is stock exchange, there's no money you can steal!" the man said defensively.

"Really, then why are you people here?" bane pushed him across the room on the chair and bashed his head against the table. He took the identity card from his jacket and pushed it into the card hole. Everything was going to plan, including the police turning up. "How much time does this program need?"

"8 Minutes" The man answered.

"Time to go mobile!" Bane took his helmet off of a scared man and again noticed Emily's eyes, turning away quickly he responded, "thank you." his men started the motor bikes and each got a person to protect them against any shots to be fired.

Batman was soon on Banes tail, until Bane changed course in direction, and to Banes luck, the police followed Batman rather than Bane. Bane returned to the one who had been giving him the inside information, Daggett. Catwoman held Daggett hostage, but Bane didn't care whether he survived or died, but from catwoman, he wanted her to join him, he wanted her on his side, for she knew Emily, and she could help him find out how Emily was killed. Selina was there that night, she saw how Emily died, and by who's hand. Unfortunately, Batman had turned up to help Catwoman, and they both escaped, and Bane was left hanging again.    

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