chapter twenty: dinner for three- part two.

Start from the beginning

"you, me, and colby can collab to make your first video a prank on someone in the house. that will grab the viewers' attention," he said, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

"that's perfect! but who would we prank?"

"corey," colby joined in, taking a sip of his water, "he's a scaredy cat."

"good idea, colby. but what kind of prank should we pull?" i asked, gaining back my confusion as to how we could pull this off.

"well, i'm not really sure, but maybe we can do something crazy. let's take a break from talking about it and just mull it over for bit, we'll come back to it later." he said and i nodded.

"i hope we get a different waiter this time, the amount of money that the layers of makeup on that girl's face is worth could probably buy us dinner for a month," i chuckled a bit, changing the subject.

"speaking of the devil," brennen nodded to his right, where we saw jane heading over with our food.

she approached the table and placed colby's meal down with grace, then carelessly shoved mine and brennen's plates in front of us, nearly spilling them everywhere.
then, she crossed the line.
she leaned over in front of colby and slipped him a piece of paper with numbers on it, licking her teeth.

"sorry, i'm not interested." colby said bluntly, sliding the piece of paper back to her.

"you can't shake me that easily, cutie pie." she said quietly, lust dancing in her eyes.

"i have a girlfriend, in fact she's sitting right next to me- so i kindly suggest that you back off, because i'm not interested."

"you're really dating her? she's nothing compared to me, honey. i can give you everything, especially what she can't." she said, pushing things even farther.

"i'd definitely take her over you and your terrible personality any damn day. and did i mention i can get you fired for displeasing a customer? i won't ask you again, waitress. back off." he said intimidatingly, wrapping his arm around my waist as brennen sat there open-mouthed.

she scoffed and walked off, snatching the piece of paper off the table and scampering back to the kitchen.

"bro, that was nuts! i've never seen you so defensive," brennen said excitedly.

"she took it too far. she's not aloud to insult anyone, let alone my fucking girlfriend." he mumbled, his face now red with anger.

"hey, hey, hey, it's okay, calm down. thank you for standing up for me," i squeezed his hand and spoke softly, "it's over now. you don't need to be angry. if she causes more trouble, i'll handle it myself." i grabbed his chin and turned his face toward me, giving him a reassuring look. within seconds he calmed down and blessed me with that iconic smile that made me fall for him the second i met him.



*brennen's pov*

as stephanie was calming colby down after that bitch jane tried to get him, i looked at colby. i've never seen him look at anyone the way he does stephanie. she was able to get him to stay calm, and he stared into her eyes like he'd never seen anything like her in his life.

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