Chapter 02: Tsuna

Start from the beginning

Giotto sighs.

Katrina sweatdropped.

"At least it was worth a shot. He has some features that my people back home have. -de gozaru" Asari sheepishly laughs.

"I-I don't know..." A small voice says out of no where.

Everybody looks at the boy.

"Ah! So you're Japanese too! -de gozaru." Asari beams with happiness.

"So he's Japanese." Giotto repeats.

Alaude eyes the boy.

"So you don't know your name? For now you can come with us and we'll help you." Giotto says with a gentle smile as he walks up to the little boy.

The boy remains silent and stares into the blonde's eyes, 'He doesn't seem to be a threat, but what's this feeling?'

"Tsu-Tsuna. I only remember the name Tsuna." The boy says to them.

"Then shall we call you that for the time being?" Giotto asks the boy.

Tsuna nods in agreement.

"Tsuna. Someone might recognize that name if we spread it through town." Alaude says before walking out of the room.

Giotto laughs, "That man is Alaude. He is some kind of undercover officer that specializes at investigating. So he'll help you find your family. My name is Giotto."

The boy nods.

Katrina frowns as Tsuna leaves with the Vongola but waves them off happily anyway. "Goodbye, Tsuna."


Tsuna follows the men to a huge mansion. The walk there was silent. As soon as the building came into view, his eyes widen. All of a sudden his head throbs making him come to a halt. Alaude, who has been studying him the whole time, stops a few feet ahead of him. Giotto and Asari who are confused at their comrades action, also stop and look at him. They follow his gaze to the boy who is holding his head in his hands.

Asari walks up to Tsuna and smiles, "If you're trying to remember something, don't force yourself. You might get hurt. -de gozaru."

Tsuna puts his hands down and nods. They continue on into the mansion. Before a guard could open the doors to the building, it flew open.

"GIIIIIIOOOOOOOTTOOOOOOOO!" G's voice rings throughout the entire mansion.

Giotto and Asari sweatdropped. Alaude walks off to somewhere else.

G stomped towards Giotto and grabbed his collar. "How dare you trick me and have me run all the way to Cozart's place! Don't think you can run away from all the paperwork!" G dragged Giotto through the doors.

"Maa maa! Wait G! -de gozaru." Asari tries to calm G and grabs Giotto's hand.

"Huh?" G glares at Asari.

"We're doing a mission at the moment. -de gozaru." Asari smiles.

Giotto vigorously nods his head in agreement.

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