Chapter 2.4 - The Discovery (Part 4) V2.1

Start from the beginning

"And your grandmother told you that artificial gravity was possible when all of the so-called experts said that it wasn't?"

Robert nodded again. "Yes, when I was little before she left for Mars, we were on the roof deck of her home in San Francisco. It was a rare clear winter's night when we could actually see the stars. She pointed at the Milky Way and said softly. "Robert, it is a great big universe. There are stars beyond counting and a few of them even have people of a sort. If you want to visit some of it, you and your friends will need to invent a faster than light drive. Start with an artificial gravity field and just go from there. I've seen it Robert, and it is all possible. I also know you are the one to discover how."

I then asked her. "Where did you see all of these wonders Gram?"

She smiled at me and pointed to the stars. "Out there, somewhere in the deep dark on a Dyson Sphere."

Promptly at 0700 hours the following Monday morning, Mynah and Robert walked into the lab together holding hands. There were a few sideways glances from the civilian technicians. Mick just smiled to himself. A half an hour later at 0730 sharp, the grav plate team met in the lab conference room. The group included Mick Jones, Mynah, and three technicians. Doctor Scott started off. "Okay people, we have a big day today. Major Jones has to get the final specs sent to Fleet and we have an unplanned test to set up. As it turns out, we had a few anomalies that popped up during the communications test with CERN. So late last night, Ms. Mittal and I sketched together another test series. The details are all on your tablets. Please review the test plan and get to me with any questions you may have."

No one said anything. Doctor Scott then walked over to Mynah and reached for her hand. She gave him a hesitating look and then warmly took his hand and smiled. "If anyone wants to spread rumors about Ms. Mittal and me, I can assure you they are all true. It's all within the rules so get over it."

John, the lead electronics tech smiled and said. "It's okay Doc, and about time!"

Scott nodded simply. "Thanks, John. Okay, folks back to work; we have deadlines to meet."

Robert let go of Mynah's hand, looked at Mick and said, "Major Jones, can I see you in my office for a few minutes please?"

Mick gave him a puzzled look. "Yes, sir."

They got to the office and Scott closed the door. "Mick, I know that we have only been working together less than two years, but I sense that I can trust you."

"Yes, Doctor Scott I assure you that you can."

"Good, are you ready to send the final specs for the basic artificial gravity plate to Fleet this morning?"

"Yes, I was done yesterday afternoon but just wanted to sleep on it to make sure it was right 'fore I clicked send."

"Good man. Send them off as soon as you are ready."

"Okay, and what do you mean by basic?"

Scott smiled conspiratorially. "I'll fill you in later because as soon as you are ready, we'll start that second series of tests."

"I read the summary you sent, but don't quite understand..."

"Well, some anomalies in the comm tests with Doctor Schmidt at CERN, um, pointed out a flaw or I should say another possibility in the artificial gravity theory. I didn't put the next two, ah, uses for the Scott field in my dissertation, I had a hard enough time finding a sponsor as it was."

Mick nodded. "Go on Doc..."

"I will, but Mick, I have to ask you one question and trust me I already know the answer. Have you been spying on me for Captain Goldberg?"

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