Chapter 5: Monster Hunt

Start from the beginning

"Thanks" Lori blushed.

"So how's he doing?" Chris asked.

"Terrible." Ronnie Anne snapped. "And it's all your fault!"

Chris raised an eyebrow.

"Ronnie Anne!" Her mother shot back.

"Now now," Said Chris. "It's only natural that she would be having these emotions at this time."

"How could you let a rookie like my brother go after a dangerous killer like that?" Ronnie Anne asked.

Chris walked over, knelt down to look Ronnie Anne in the eye, and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Ronnie Anne right?" He said. "Listen, your brother Bobby, is a very strong kid. He may be the most capable of us all. I only brought him along on the Pariah case, because I had 100% confidence in his abilities. He will pull through this Ronnie, I know it. We just need to have hope. I heard in a movie once, that the night is darkest, just before the dawn. It may seem hopeless now, but I don't think Bobby would ever want us to lose hope. No matter what, good will always triumph over evil."

Ronnie Anne smiled a bit.

"There we go," Said Chris. "There's a smile."

"So how close are you to catching this guy?" Lori asked.

"Not sure." Chris answered, as he got up to look at her. "But don't worry, we WILL catch this psycho, and he WILL pay for what he's done." Chris smiled. "After all... he's only human."


Rick Sanchez was in the forensics lab, examining the samples from a brutal crime scene. Soon one of the detectives working on the case walked in.

"Find anything?" the detective asked.

"Yep." Said Rick. "This substance seems to be organic. It almost resembles human flesh, but not quite. Like it's trying to replicate human flesh."


"Oh" Said Rick. "And it's also jam packed with the Mercer Virus."

"The Mercer Virus?"

"Yeah the, urp, Mercer Virus." Said Rick. "The Virus named after the scientist who discovered, AND was killed by it, Alex Mercer. There was a huge outbreak back in 2009 and again in 2012. But no one cares about the, urp, 2012 one, it was like the original outbreak, but like, totally lame."


"You know I went to collage with Alex Mercer."

"Oh... I'm sorry for your loss"

"No don't be, the guy was a total weirdo"

"So why are you doing this?" the detective asked.

"Doing what?"

"Taking on this case. Pariah is perhaps the most deadly serial killer of the past decade."

"Well" Said Rick, "why do you think I'm doing it?"

"If you ask me" Said the detective, "Revenge, I think this Pariah has hurt you in some way. Perhaps one of his victims was someone close to you. You vowed to get revenge, and bring this guy in. Or maybe, you think of yourself as the bringer of justice. You view Pariah as pure evil, and will stop at nothing to stop him, and to save innocent lives. Even if it kills you."

"Oh boy" Said Rick. "You could not be more wrong. Truth is I'm doing this because I'm bored."

"Because you're bored?"

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