chapter 8

56 3 2

2 weeks later

Ethan and I are good now. He kept begging for me to forgive him until I did. I started hanging out with a girl my age that I met at the Apple Store. Her name is Alissa and i'll tell you more about her later. But meanwhile im playing mario kart with Grayson.
" why do you always choose Yoshi, do something different" Grayson whined while he was choosing his car for the game.

I sighed and went back to change my driver, after debating who I should pick. I ended up with baby mario and a race car, Gray picked the pink ghost and a dirt bike.

Ethan was in the kitchen talking with Lisa over the phone, the twins were going home this weekend to go see Cameron before she leaves for her next year of college, I dont know if I'll go or not since im scared of flights and last time when I was coming to LA I almost had a panic attack.

Gray and I were on the rainbow galaxy map and he has fallen so many times that I lost count.

"Okay bye ma" I heard as ethan pressed the end button. He put the phone down and walked over to the couch.

I could feel his gaze on me but I tried ignoring him and finishing the race first, after i crossed the finished​ line i leaned back and put my hands behind my head.

"Thats not fair" grayson pouted while trying to get to the end. I shrugged and turned to ethan nodding my head to imply whats up. He shook his head and pointed to grayson.

Well so much for thinking that he thought about me. I flipped him off and he smiled at me. Then he turned to look at Grayson

"Can I talk to you.... alone?" he asked walking to the editing room. Gray nodded and stood up to follow him. I got curious and decided to take out my phone and call Alissa. The phone rang but no one picked it up. I sighed and went to Instagram and decided to pick a picture that Jesse, my editor, had already edited.

After a couple of minutes my phone was blowing up from Instagram notification.

I overheard a couple of quiet yells from where the twins were but i decided to ignore it.

When they came out Grayson had an angry expression on his face. He grabbed his phone which he had left in the trampoline, grabbed his keys and walked out of the warehouse slamming the door.

I looked over to Ethan, he looked at me and sighed before walking to his room.

I feel like there is more drama coming, and mostly my way.
Its now 2 days since Grayson left,he hasnt came back and in really worried about what happened.

Im getting ready to go see Get Out with Alissa and this girl named Ashley and another friend of hers named Chantel.

I put on a white, loose crop top, black skinny jeans and white high slip on vans. I put my hair up in two french braids. I look pretty good, not to sound cocky or anything but yeah.

I get out of the bathroom and head towards my car that I just bought.

"Val" I hear from behind me.

I turn around slowly while texting alissa that i'll be there in around 10 to 15 minutes.

I look up and see Ethan with a blue shirt and white bathing shorts.

"Mhm" I hum while looking at him and trying to block the sun with my hand.

"Um, I have been meaning to tell you the reason gray hasnt been here" he says and looks down.

I wait for him to start speaking but his face starts getting red.

"Dude come on, Alissa is waiting for me" i laugh and quickly shift from one foot to another since i was losing my balance for being a bit cheery.

"Please promise me you won't be mad when I tell you" he looks up to me.

"I cant promise you anything on something that im not even aware of" i speak starting to get a poker face and cross my arms. He takes a big breath and starts talking.

"The day I talked to Grayson, i told him something you don't know and you probably dont want to hear"

"But im all ears bestoo" i winked and laughed.... Cause im funny the fuck.

"I got back with.... Emma" he breathed out.

After a couple of seconds I realized what he had said and raised my eyebrows.

I shook my head and felt my eyes getting teary. I quickly turn around and walk to my black BMW that my parents let me buy by sending money.

I turn the engine on and speed off. As I was about to change lanes on the highway i saw a red tractor trailer hit the back of the car and suddenly everything went black.

Yeaaahhghg it wasnt as good as i said it was but omfffff i updated and im so proud of myself.

Im gonna start updating more since school hasnt been that hard and im getting adapted to hell once again

Love you😛😛

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