Chapter 2

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The day of the flight

"Im gonna miss you Emily" I said

"Me too" she said with her brown eyes red and tears rolling down her cheek.

"Stop crying, I promise I will text you everyday" I told her with a smile spread across my face.

"Okay but promise you will visit every so often"

"I told you I will calm down"

"So long my dear motherfucker"

"Bye Emily"

"Bye" she said while hugging me

She let me go. Halfway to the plane I looked back and saw Emily, I was so happy yet so sad. I waved then turned around and got on the plane and plugged in my earphones all the way over to LA.

I was thinking that maybe next time I come back to Jersey I might be able to convince Emily to come to LA with me.

After that thought I was imagining what how Ethan and Gray would react as they see me at the airport.

When I see E Im gonna hug him. I wish I could kiss him but its not like that, after all he has Emma.

That hurt. The thought of Ethan having a girl in his arms that wasn't me, hurt.

I spent the rest of the flight day dreaming.

Then I heard over my music the speaker go on.

"Please put on seatbelts as we prepare for landing. Thank you"

I put on my seatbelt as I felt butterflies on my stomach. I couldn't believe I was finally going to see my best friends.

I looked out the window and saw the sun shining, it was beautiful.

10 minutes later

I entered the airport and started looking for them.

" Val! "

I heard someone call my name. It was a familiar voice.

" Vale! "

I looked over to my left and saw two cute boys.

I saw Ethan first. He changed a lot, his jawline was more sculpted,his pink flushed lips, his eyes a brown and greenish color, I could see how bright they were as he spotted me.

" Valentina!!"

I ran over to him and he gave me a hug, I was so glad to see him. His smell of cologne made me calm down and his heartbeat was fast. I guess he was nervous too. I broke up the hug and told him I missed him so much and he told me the same, when he said that I felt my heart get warm.

I moved on to Grayson.

I loved his hugs so much, and there was a reason hm:)

He wrapped his arms around me and I got prepared in for a bear hug.

He had the same physical appearance than Ethan but yet so different.

"C'mon lets go eat and talk about what has happened over there in Jersey since we left" Gray said with a smile plastered across his face.

"Yea we should go" you said.

We decided to go to Denny's since my favorite two goofs can't wait to eat pancakes.

We talked about how I had been over the years while waited for our food.

When we got our food they told me to hold on, then they got out their phones and got on snapchat then took a picture of their food.

"Aw guys" I said laughing.

They still did the same shit as when we were little and hung out at their aunts house.
"Where do you want to go?"Etham asked looking at his phone.

I was about to say something when Ethan said something.

"Sorry, change of plans, I have to go hang out with Emma today but you both can do something while im away today " he said with sad eyes.

Ethans pov

I didn't want to go to Emma today. But she gets really mad and jumps to conclusions when I tell her no.

I saw Val look down at the floor and then look at gray and smile.

"That's fine, Grayson can give me a tour around LA, right?" she shoved grays shoulder.

"Yes, it would have been fun if your girlfriend wouldn't have stopped you from hanging out with us today" he said with a hint in his voice.

He wanted me to stay with her.

I wanted to stay too, but something held me back from doing so.

I like her. I just hope she likes me too.


I am so sorry for not being able to update. Its just some school stuff that has been bothering me and I feel pressured because Im on summer vacation but they keep sending me these emails of having to sign these papers.

But I already have the draft for the next part.

2 votes for a next part?

Thanks for reading❤❤

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