chapter 4

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"You dont have to love me back, but I just wanted to tell you, and i have been wanting to tell you for the longest time" he said looking up at me.

His eyes were red and droopy.

Was he drunk?

"Are you okay E" I wiped my eyes

"no, i just saw my girlfriend cheating with my ex best friend from when we where little" he sighed gasping for breath.

I looked down.

"come on buddy, lets take you to your room" I said getting up.

"lets go to the fair" his eyes lit up.

"ethan its late, it gets empty" i said reaching out my hand to help him get up.

"please" he said with a puppy face.

"fine, but promise me we aren't coming back at like sunrise and shit" i smiled.

"I promise" he smiled.

but why was he so happy. the girl he loved cheated on him. must suck to be him.

and why did he tell me he loved me. was he just trying to get back at what Emma did to him. i dont know but right now im just going to focus on having fun.

We headed to Grays car because Ethans car was sent to the shop because he hit a stop sign that dumb weirdo.

Ethans pov

I turned on the car and felt a bit dizzy.

"do you want to get something to eat before we go to the fair, they probably closed all the food booths" I said turning the car wheel.

"No, i think we're good. Its 9 and they close the food booths at 11, besides if we do go get something i bet im gonna throw up in your face like last time" she laughed.

I was so dumb to tell her my feelings. She obviously didnt like me back.
I pulled over to an empty parking space.

The ride had been silent, fairly awkward.

We went to get our passes and stopped at the entrance adjusting our bracelets.

"where do you want to go first?" she smiled at me.

I looked around and pointed to the drop.

"oh yeah you can go on that one by yourself" she laughed faintly.

"why?" i whined.

" the last time i got on that one it felt like i my insides where dying." she hugged her stomach.

"please" i said with a smirk

"no E, and that's my final answer." she crossed her arms.

next thing she knew she was sitting down on a seat ready to be dropped. She had her mad face in which was cute.

Then we felt it start to go up slowly. She started panicking in her seat and telling the operator to get her off but he didnt budge.

He mumbled something in spanish. I think it was spanish.

"Your gonna pay back for this Ethan" she yelled with a worried face.

"its going to be fine" i smiled at her reassuringly.

As we almost reached the top she reached for my hand and held it tightly. I held hers gently to let her know I was here for her.


We were unbuckling our seatbelts once the ride finished.

" lets go again she said pulling me to the line where there was no one.

"okay but don't be so dramatic this time" i told her.

"c'mon you baby" she said pulling my hand.

" i wasn't the one screaming now was i?" i smirked

"Oh shut up" she said giving up and running to the seat from last time.

Just as i sat down next to her and the drop started going up again i saw her face and saw regret.

"Oh no im so stupid, i want to get off again" she held on to my hand again.

"I told you, but your stubborn ass wont listen" i laughed and pulled my hand from her.

"no no no no no, give me back your hand please" she reached for my hand.

"why?" i teased her

"stop ethan, you now im scared" she whined.

"hmmmmm" i looked like i was thinking.

"please" she said calmly but desperate.

"okay" i said with a shoulder shrug and a smile.

We were nearly the top and she held my hand really tight.


the ride slowed down about a foot away from the platform.

Val got down sighing.

"why so scared" i asked.

she hugged me.

"i love you too" she mumbled.


Hey loserrssss.
I told you all I would update soon. I hadnt posted because i didnt know what to write after Ethan said what.
I know i know im a loser too but hey.

Leave a comment if you want me to update
The other story.
Love you all.

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