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" Come out Ze'ev. It's only a little thunder." Scarlet was trying to get Wolf to come out from under the kitchen table.

Wolf head popped out a second later, "It's so loud we never had anything like this on Luna. Even all the times when I was in Paris I never heard anything like this."

Scarlet looked at him, trying her hardest to keep a stupid grin off her face. She did though, just barely.

Scarlet knelt down and gently lifted the tablecloth and saw Wolf huddled with his knees against his chest. He looks so cute when he is afraid. Scarlet shook her head not entirely sure if it was at him or at herself.

"Come here." Scarlet held out her hands to Wolf. He hesitated for about half a second before he took her hands.

Scarlet pulled him out from under the table. He looked like he wanted to dive Right back under but, she had to give it to him, he didn't.

Infact, started to look slightly less afraid as he locked eyes with her.

It took Scarlet a full two seconds to realize that they weren't in the kitchen anymore, but had some how made it to the living room.

"So," Scarlet tried to distract herself as she took her hands away from his, blushing. "You really have never heard thunder?"

Scarlet found that rain was starting to come down harder.

"No I haven't. They didn't have anything like this on Luna. Or rain."

Another clap of thunder filled the house seeming to vibrate the walls. Scarlet had never, in all her life seen rain come down as hard as it was right now.

Then, she saw it. A bright flash of lightning across the turbulent sky. "Ze'ev, I - I think maybe we should turn off the lights and all of the electronic."

If her voice had been quiet then his was much quieter, and shakier, in his reply.

"Why? What's wrong, you have that look?" Scarlet, sometimes, wished he didn't know her well enough to know when she was nervous. But, he did and she would never lie to him.

"Well . . . . th-the storm it turning into a severe thunderstorm."

Right in that moment, Wolf was wishing he was back under the table.

"A thunderstorm?" He look at her with fear the made it hard for Scarlet to breathe.

"Yes, a thunderstorm. But don't worry," Scarlet hastened to add when his eyes widened incredibly, "if we turn off the electricity, the lightning won't come near us."

He looked hard at her, totally confused. "What is lightning?" He asked just as a flash of bright light  flash outside the window. He flinched away from the window and towards Scarlet.

"That is lightning." Scarlet turned to him to take his face in her hands.

"Listen, we need to turn off all electrical divices. We might be able to keep on a portscreen."

Wolf nodded and they both went around the house turning off everything electronic thing in there.

When there were done they went to their room and curled up together on the bed watching a net drama.

Whenever there was a streak of lightning Scarlet would scoot closer to Wolf. Soon she curled around him fast asleep with him stroking her hair in a soothing motion- soothing for who we don't know.

But then one extra loud clap of thunder shook the house and a bolt of lightning struck on of the trees by the house.

The thunder had woken up Scarlet, but the crash the tree made totally freaked her out. She screamed.

"Sshhhhh. Scarlet, it's okay it hit the ground. Your okay," Wolf stroked her hair and kissed her temple.

Scarlet looked up at him, brown eyes filled with fear and longing. Wolf smiled and captured her lips in a deep kiss to take her mind off the storm.

It did.

Scarlet was soon kissing him back with such passion that Wolf completely forgot about the storm.

His arms came around her to pull her closer, and Scarlet wrapped her arms around his neck to press there lips more firmly together.

When they came up for air they were both smiling. After cuddling for another half hour they fell asleep in each other arms. The storm forgotten.

*** So sorry if this is bad but this is my first time so please I would LOVE some criticism on this story to improve on my next one. ***

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