chapter 9

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The day finally came to an end and as you feared. it was raining. You stayed late at school to finish some paperwork, so you really didn't have anyone with an umbrella to walk with.

You stayed at the entrance of the school waiting for the rain to go down a little bit but unfortunately, it wasn't happening.

You sighed and started to run to the nearest convince store hoping they'll sell some umbrellas.

You finally found a convince store but noticed that there were no umbrellas left.

'Ugh men they're all gone'

So you stayed outside waiting for the rain the die down a little.


You heard someone whisper, you turned to your right and saw bakugo looking the other way.

You were already scared and uncomfortable. You didn't know what to do. It was silent for some minutes when you decided to break the silent, you moved some steps to the right getting close to him and he noticed which made him move some steps away.

"I-i want to thank you for what you did the other day" you kept looking straight so nervous to look at him.

Bakugo looked at you confused.

"You already thanked me, remember"

"Y-yeah i-i know but that was a text you know, it's better saying thank you to someone face to face. It's more meaningful" you said blushing getting even more nervous, afraid of what he's going to say to you.

It was quiet and you looking up to bakugo.
He was blushing.

Bakugo quickly turned away covering his face.

"Y-your fucking welcome"

You smiled and laughed which made bakugo even more embarrassed and a little pissed.

You then looked up at the sky and saw the rain die down already .

"Oh that's right I still owe you. don't i" you said as you walked in front of him.

"So what should I give you, I could buy you something right now in the convince store if you want, that way we can be even" you smiled at him waiting for his reply.

Bakugo looked at you for a second and smirks.

"Ha please, I don't need you to buy me shit. I got a better idea" bakugo moved close to your face and whispered in your ear. "Why don't you become my slave for a whole semester"

You were shocked, you backed away from him and looked at him confused.


He laughed as he shoved his hand in his pockets.

"Starting tomorrow you'll be my slave got it! "

And with that bakugo left with a smirk on his face. you were just standing there outside the convince store all shocked.

'What the fuck'

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