The girlfriends and how they met

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Zach - Aiden
Jonah - north
Corbyn - christina
Daniel - Angela
Jack - Kay

Aiden was a limelight with one of her bffs. They both loved why don't we...especially Zach. She had gone up to him to take a picture and they had started talking. Zach thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. They talked for like an hour and then she went and took pics with the other guys. Once the m&g was almost over Zach decided to talk to Aiden and try and get her number. He went up to her and almost instantly turned red... he got her number and they were both screaming on the inside. The rest is history.......

As you probably already know north was added into the boys group chat by Zach. They then met up at Starbucks for drink and ended up going on a few dates and becoming attached at the hip....

I really don't know there like the old married couple of the group...

Daniel meg Angela kinda by accident actually. She was just casually walking down the street when 5 guys approached her and started singing to her. They said it was for a video. As soon as she saw Daniel her eyes lit up and so did his. Angela didn't know if it was the big blue eyes or his laugh that was more mesmerizing. When Danny saw her he couldn't help but stare...what could he say she is beautiful. When all the other guys had walked away he went up and got her number. They have been together for 3 months now and have loved every second....

Jack met Kay through north, since there best friend. They started hanging out and eventually snuck around since they didn't think Jonah and north would like it. Eventually things got carried away and let's just say the boys heard them😂. Ya the decided to tell north they were a thing and she loved it. He we're if they remember we're "thank god finally". And they've been together ever since...

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