Group chat #11

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North changed jojo❤️ to Jonah

*Group chat*
Jonah- hey where's my girl I don't see you back stage
Chris👻- she doesn't want to see you rn Jonah
Jonah- you haven't called me Jonah in like a year, what's wrong Chris
Chris👻- J you kissed another girl you broke north she won't even talk to me nor anyone else.
Jonah- Chris that was an accident we always kiss girls on the cheek and I went one way and she went the other and we just met accidentally and I pulled away but I guess you just left already.

Christina changed Jonahs contact to J👾

Chris👻- J she's really hurt you need to explain this to her.
J👾-I don't know where is she
Chris👻- she's in the bus in her little hiding spot she found.
J👾- oh ok. She won't stay mad at me forever will she?
Chris👻- she loves you J just don't let her tell you otherwise
J👾- ok I'm in the bus
Chris👻- good luck my friend

Norths POV

I couldn't stand to look at Jonah. I loved him and he was kissing another girl even if it was in a meet and greet they don't do that. I went into the bus and went into my hiding spot which was a little room behind the bunk beds that I don't think anyone knows about. I just crouched down in a ball and cried my eyes out. I can't believe he kissed another I not good enough. I heard someone come into the bus and call my name but I couldn't make out who it was. They came near to where I was so I tried to be quiet but I couldn't I was way too upset. Then I heard Jonahs voice and lost it more than I was before.

Jonah: north I know your in there can you come out please
North: no I can't look at you right now Jonah
Jonah: ok but can I explain what you saw please you just have to listen to me.
North: ok explain
Jonah: we were doing that kiss on the cheek pose and she went one way and I went the other and our lips met but I promise I pulled away right after and she apologized and even said sorry because she didn't want to hurt our relationship so please north come out and I don't care you can yell at me or what ever you want but I love you and I need you north please.
North: ok but I'm choosing to believe you. Don't give me a reason not to

I came out and he pulled me into a hug almost immediately.

North: Jonah not right now
Jonah: but I...
north: I just need time babe
Jonah: *he had the biggest smile on his face* you called me babe?
North: I still love you j I just need time to myself
Jonah: ok well the other guys and Chris are gonna come in like 5 minutes so are we ok?
North: ya we are *i gave him a quick kiss*
Jonah: yay *he smiled like a little kid*

Group chat
Zach🌀- what have I just read
North changed Jonah contact to jojo❤️
Jojo❤️- it's ok we figured it else
Bean🥑- so you and north are ok?
North🔥- yep
Danny boi- yay I didn't wanna loose my sister over a mistake
North🔥- haha love you too Danny 😂
Noodles- did I miss something 😂
Jojo❤️- nothing important
Noodles- ok then 😂

When all the guys came back on bus we have to drive over night to I don't even know where. I was starting to get really tired, it was like 10:30 so I went to find Jonah who was in the back room with the guys watching Harry Potter. I went up to him and laid beside him on the couch resting my head on his bare chest.

Jonah: are you tired babe?
North: ya but I'll just sleep on you you make a good pillow
Jonah: hey dont call me fat
North: ok bear
Jonah: I'm tired to we can go to bed.
North: ok

We went over to the bunks and got in one. Some how we managed to fit into one. I fell asleep pretty soon after I heard Jonah say "I love you more than you'll ever know"

I never know how to end these chapters it's hard do you feel me??

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