You were almost gone part2

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Corbyn POV
Once north was asleep me and Daniel went into the venue. The guys immediately started yelling at us for being late.

Jonah: where did you two go!
Jack: we were supposed to go on 10 minutes ago!
Zach: where did you go
Daniel: I can't go on tonight guys I'm sorry
Jack: why what do you mean
*me and Daniel looked at each other*
Corbyn: he's gonna watch north tonight
Jonah: what are you talking about
Daniel: she uh...she hurt herself
Zach: what
Corbyn: she tried to kill herself

*me and Daniel looked down*

Jonah: w-what
Daniel: she just needs someone with her
Jonah: w-why would she do that....if she needs someone to watch over her then it's me not you!
Daniel: Jonah we jus...
Jonah: it's bad enough you didn't call me when this happened just go preform! *he walked out of the room slamming the door*
Corbyn: well we do have to go on we'll just see them later I guess.
*all the guys looked confused and scared*

Jonahs pov
I slammed the door and ran to the bus to find north. I walked in and went over to the bunk and laid next to her. I started playing with her hair until she woke up.

Jonah: hey baby
North: h-hey what are you doing here
Jonah: I'm sitting next to the most beautiful girl I've ever met.
North: I'm sorry *she started tearing up*
Jonah: it's ok i just wanna know why... what did I do wrong baby girl?
North: you didn't do anything your perfect
Jonah: then what was it? You know you can talk to me about anything don't you?
North: I don't know I just felt so stupid
*we both had tears rolling down our cheeks at this point*
Jonah: your not stupid babe
North: well I didn't talk to you, I thought I could leave my passed behind, I cut my self.....that feels pretty stupid if you ask me.
Jonah: I'm sorry I wasn't here for you like I should have many times have you done this baby?
North: three *i turned away from him*
Jonah: ugh I'm so stupid...I never knew.I'm sorry I could have helped you through stuff instead of this.
North: its ok
Jonah: no its not never do this again north....ok? Also let me see your arm...
North: ok
Jonah: well I don't think there deep enough to need stitches so that's good.
North: I'm sorry
Jonah: it's ok baby girl I love you and always will
North: I love you too Jonah bear
Jonah: you haven't called me that for months
North: I know
Jonah: haha we should sleep
North: ok goodnight

I wrapped my arms around her stomach and she cuddled into me. I always felt better with her. She had some sort of power that just made me instantly feel better. I love this girl so day I'll make it forever.

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