Group chat #10

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Jonahs pov

When I saw north my heart broke. She was tired bags under her eyes tear stained cheeks and a black eye. I ran over to her and hugged her and at first she didn't hug back which scared me.

Jonah: it's ok baby girl your ok now
North: j-Jonah he... *she started crying*
Jonah: I know
North: your not gonna leave me?
Jonah: no I would never this wasn't your fault baby
North: ok...can we not talk about it tho he scares me
Jonah: sure babe just come inside
North: No I just wanna be with you and not the other guys or Logan I'll get some lecture or something
Jonah: ok they'll leave

I went back inside and told the guys to leave so they went over to Logan's place.

Jonah: ok they left
North: can we just go to bed im tired
Jonah: are you sure you don't wanna do anything about him babe
North: ya he's not gonna come back again he got what he wanted
Jonah: ok let's go to bed then

We went into her room and she went in the bathroom and took a shower. I was texting the guys while sitting on her bed.

Group chat
Noodles: is she ok
Jojo❤️- I mean ok is a big statement
Danny boi- is she hurt tho
Jojo❤️- from what I can tell just the black eye but idk
Zach🌀- take care of her J
Bean🥑- ^
Jojo❤️- ok she's out of the shower I've gotta go
Bean🥑- bye
Zach🌀- ^
Danny boi- ^^

I laid back agains the head board and waited for north to come out. She did  like 5 minutes later and laid next to me.

North: I love you
Jonah: I love you too baby

She cuddled deeper into me before falling asleep. She was so peaceful and all I could do was think about what he did to her. How can someone be that sick. Eventually I tried to fall asleep too considering it was like 1:30 in the morning.

Bad ending I know vote and comment

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