Not an Uncle by blood

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Title:   Not an uncle by blood 

Uncle: Harry

Next gen kid(s): Molly

Other: Lucy, James 

Summery:  Molly loves all her Uncles dearly. So why does Harry seem little more than a family friend to her? Harry sets out to show her that family is more than being tied by blood. He may not be an uncle by blood, but he's going to be a bloody good uncle, whether she likes it or not.

Disclamer: I do not own Harry Potter. 

Hey again everyone! I have four more exams to go. aghh. Not fun. Should be finnished 'round the begining of June. So till then...enjoy! 


Potter manor was filled to the brim with people. Every nook and cranny seemed to contain a guest drinking, eating or laughing; just generally basking in each other's company – and there was still more people yet to come. Amongst the stream of individuals making their way in, a woman, with bright auburn hair, waved over to the man holding the door open with a huge grin on his face.

"Audrey!" The man made sure the door was permanently open before making his way over to the woman.

"Harry, how are you?" she smiled warmly, hugging him briefly.

"Great. You?" Audrey nodded once then rolled her eyes.

"I have no idea where Percy and the girls have got to." They scanned the crowed together, spotting them not far away, talking to Hermione. Audrey waved over to them, effectively getting their attention.

"Uncle Harry!" Lucy broke away from the group and ran over to him. He scooped her up in his arms and spun her around.

"Lu-lu!" Lucy giggled at her pet name as he put her down again.

"Quite the turn out, isn't it?" Percy had finally joined them, his arm around Molly.

"Yes, it is, isn't it? Even Charlie managed to come over, and Gabriele came over from France as well. Looks like we're all here."

"Molly? Aren't you going to say hello?" Audrey prompted her daughter who was yet to say a word.

"Hello Harry," She said with a discreet nod, as if they were meeting for the first time. Harry smiled affectionately at her, inwardly sighing. He'd hoped that Molly would warm up to him at some point. He saw Audrey frown, and open her mouth to correct her daughter but he gave her a quick 'don't worry about it' look.

"Hello Molly. How's school?"

"I'm doing very well in my classes, thank you." There was a moment's awkward silence. Percy coughed.

"Shall we go in now then?" Audrey suggested quietly before smiles could become even more fixed.

"Right, yes. We'll be seeing you later then, Harry."

"In a bit, Uncle Harry!" Lucy called giving him a mock salute as the small family made their way inside. Harry smiled to himself, but it was a sadder one than expected from him at such an occasion.

"You alright, Harry?" Hermione appeared out of nowhere beside him with a bottle of butterbeer, which she offered to him. She was looking stunning in a simple blue dress, and he thought it would be a good idea to tell her so.

"You look amazing."

"Thank you, but don't avoid the question. Really, what's wrong?"

"Who says anything's wrong?" He defended, already knowing there was no point in hiding it.

They call me Uncle. (A Harry Potter one-shot collection)Where stories live. Discover now