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Title:    Forgiveness

Uncle:  Ron

Next gen kid(s): Albus

Other: None

Disclamer: I don not own Harry Potter. I also do not own any pictures put up on the side of these chapters. 


Albus hummed absentmindedly to himself as he worked. It was some random muggle tune he'd probably picked off Lily who had, naturally, got it off Hugo and, well, needless to say, it was catchy. He knew that the whole family will be humming it at some point whether they liked it or not. He ceased humming as he hopped off the stool, stepping back to see his handy work.

The Slytherin banner took up most the wall, and as he gazed at it for several seconds, he fought the impulse to just rip it down. It was only the fact that he knew his dad, who had got him the banner in the first place, would be hurt to see it torn down that finally stopped him. He had been thrilled when he's un-wrapped it on his birthday some days previously. He knew what his dad was trying to tell him and he was grateful.

He cringed as he remembered the sorting ceremony. The stunned silence after the hat's bellow of, 'SLYTHERIN!'; the furious whispers of, 'A Potter? In Slytherin?', and worst of all - the look upon his brother's face. He couldn't have gotten out of that hall fast enough.

Walking in a daze, he had sent the news to his parents and Albus cringed again at how desperate his letter had been. Admittedly, it had only been two lines, for he couldn't bear to write any more. 'I'm in Slytherin. You won't disown me, will you?'. He knew even then that the words were silly but all he had in his mind were Ron's words to Rose: 'If you're not in Gryffindor, we'll disown you'. Albus only wished now that in his panic he had remembered the different, far more comforting words he had received on the platform, for his first days at Hogwarts had been terrible until he had received an equally short letter back. 'Don't be stupid' was the first line, and he'd never forget it.

Albus smiled to himself, lost in his thoughts, remembering James pulling him to one side. 'Look, will you stop moping? I don't care what damn house you're in! They're just houses for crying out loud. And we're still brothers. But I tell you now, if you think Slytherin's getting their hands on the cup this year, you have another thing coming, dear brother!' Albus laughed as he thought over the past year, the two of them so obsessed in their 'rivalry' over the cup that Ravenclaw had ended up winning it - a fact that Rose had not yet tired of reminding them.

Lost in memories, he hadn't noticed the first knock upon his door till a louder one followed.


"Er, no, it's me. Can I come in?" Albus moved over to his bed, sitting on the edge as he called his consent, wondering what Ron could want. The door opened and Ron stepped in, looking uneasy, the collar of his shirt crumpled as if someone had held him against a wall. He took the desk chair that was leaning against the desk, unfolded it and sat down.

"You and dad still arguing?" Albus really couldn't stand his dad and Ron not getting along. It just wasn't right. He hated it even more knowing that it was over him. Ron sighed tiredly, but smiled.

"No. I think we've got it all sorted out now," Albus muttered under his breath – 'Thank Godric!' and let his uncle continue. "I can't really blame him. I guess I have been a bit of a...prat recently." Albus dearly wanted to mutter, 'you can say that again' but stopped himself. Ron had made no comment upon his banner after all.

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