So i decided that i would go to the movie alone.

"Naina...." my mom called me as soon as i reached home. "aah .. you're here.. listen  theres this party at shelly's house.."

"ohh cool" i said without paying attention.

"its her parents 25th wedding anniversary .. we all are invited..and.."

I cut her sentence again.

"you and dad go .. we'll stay here .."

"Naina.. you have to come..shelly is your friend ..her mom especially called for you"

"okay okay.. but mom.. please don't expect me to look good .. please okay"

"uhhh.. okay.."

for a second i forgot that i have to go to a movie premier oh my god .. what am i doing..

"mom ..when is the party? saturday right?"

"no, friday"

"sorry mom i cant come i have to see that movie .. i was waiting for it since January and please mom please take the boys to that party .. please?"

"no .. see that movie someday else .. and we want you to go .. not the boys"

"we'll dress them like me.. but mom please .. please..? why should i go to that stupid anniversary party..ughh"

"because i said so .." yes and so the argument was over ..this was mom weapon ..



i called Akira and told her everything. she said everything happens for a good .. she was sometimes so annoyingly optimistic.. ugh ..

so herez friday and i got dressed up in my favourite red and black microcheck shirt..made a quick ponytail..wore my blue shoes .. and see . m done .. i looked pathetic..

we reached shelly's house in no time and i felt like sleeping in the car forever ...i cried "mom pleassssssssseeeeee"

but she dragged me in .. "smile okay .?"


i got in Naina the cold bitch mood and said hi to shelly .. shelly was a sweet bitch .. she was fake, even her cusses were sugar coated .. she was so unbelievingly fake ..her sense of humour was so poor so poor.. oh god i cant even tolerate her.. and she wasnt my friend .. she was a family friend.. so i have to act sweet to her..

"Naina dear... hiii how are you" she smiled and hugged me so tightly.. her attitude reminded me of the girls in the miss world contest .. fake !

" shelly dear .. i am so good .. how are you dear !!" i faked a super sweet smile and imitated her way of talking .. omg that sounded so funny ...

we talked for a bit and she told me  how badly she wanted to see eclipse.but cant cz its her parents party ...i was like yes too bad .. i cant see it either cz its your parents party .. huh bitch ..

she introduced me to almost everyone and i said hi to all with my fake smile .. suddenly i saw this guy standing in the corner of the hall.. he talked to the other guests and then texting in his phone .. oh my god .. this guy was maybe over six feet and oh my god he looked like a abercrombie and fitch model .. he was wearing this fucking navy blue shirt.. oh my god he looked like a fucking model .. what was he doing here .. i wanted to see his face but i cant see it .. he had lowered it oh my god boy look up look up look up look up look up ...


and he looked up .. he was so motherfucking gorgeous .. his eyes .. his jaw.. oh god he looked like a fucking greek god .. i havent seen a guy looked so beautiful .. i men handsome ..

wait wait wait where was he going .. my eyes followed as he started moving towards the door .. oh shitt is he going..oh god no .. dont go .. dont go dont go please .. but then i saw him leaving.. my heart sunk and then finally i returmed to the earth and listened to what shitt shelly was talking .. oh god girls talk so much.. i mean if you wanna talk? then talk... talk meaningful .. why the hell do you have to talk shitt about what the other girl in the class is doing with the other guy in another class... i replied with hmmm .. yeaah and ohhh .. and then i saw that sexiest guy return to the room .. off cz why didnt i think of this before.. he was making a call and he got out because of this loud music .. oh ho .. phewww.. he is not leaving .. thank god..

i asked shelly " hey , who is he..? that guy over there.."

"idk.. lets ask mom .."

she dragged me to her mom and she asked for an introduction..

oh my god her mom took both of us near him .. how can i go near him.. i'll get a burn .. omg he was so hawwt ... ohkay Naina .. chill... calm down ..

her mom said something and then shelly said something and then he said something .. omg i dnt even know what were they talking i was just looking at his beautiful amber eyes .. oh mann look at them ..

then he just looked at me and i realized that i was staring at him ... i quickly looked down and then he said " Hi .. i'm Karanveer"


back to earth back to earth back to earth naina ...


A/N ::: thank you for reading guys.. m so sorry for the delay in updating but i promise i will update it soon now .. any suggestions ..?? or anything ..?? message me !! and follow me for more stories .. thanks all !!!! 

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