(Chapter 2) Only A Dream

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Normal P.O.V
A week has passed and Lucy is still recovering from the incident that happened at Fairy Tail. Able to move around but still in pain, emotionally and physically. There she sat on her bed thinking how could her guild mates do that to her. Feeling hurt, confused and lost in her own thoughts, she snaps out of it when she heard a knock on her door.

Lucy's P.O.V
A week has passed, I wonder how everyone is doing at the guild? but then again I should I care, was it something I did ? Or maybe I said something that offended them? I just don't understand how they could do that to me. What did I do to make them hurt me like that.


"Wendy, please explain everything to me that happened, before and after I got knocked out" I asked
"Okay" said Wendy. Wendy took a deep breath and by the look on her face, I can already tell that I'm not gonna like what she was gonna tell me.
"Well, you see Lucy, while everyone was celebrating Lisanna's return, Cana, Wakaba and Elfman all thought it would be fun to use you for practice. Carla, Levy, Gray and myself tried to stop them, but they had no intention on listening to us. Cana was the one who threw those wine bottles at you, and by the time we got to you, you were already badly hurt. Then mostly everyone in the guild joined in, they started to laugh and calling you mean names. Gray carried you out and took you straight here, while Levy, Carla and I informed the master what was happening, after that we headed straight to your place, I managed to heal you just in time before you got any worse and now you just need lots of rest before you can go on any job requests" Wendy gave me a friendly smile and I forced myself to smile back. I was right, I didn't like what Wendy told me. I looked at her and said
"Thanks Wendy, for everything" and gave her another smile.

End of Flashback

Lucy's P.O.V
I still don't understand why they would do that, I thought they were my friends, my family..... or maybe they were just too drunk to realize what they were doing
"Ya!! That's it!!!" I yell to myself
"They were just drunk, I'm sure that everything will be back to normal by the time I'm fully recovered" sitting on the edge of my bed, I look at the clock. 1:35pm in the afternoon. I look out my window towards the clear blue sky, hoping that everything will be alright.
Not long before I hear a knock on my door, I go to see who it was and as I was opening the door I saw....
"Hey Lu!!!" It was Levy and she was carrying a dozen of my favourite flowers, Lilies.
"Hey Levy! Those flowers look beautiful, thank you so much!" I said with a big smile on my face.
"No prob Lu!" I let Levy inside and we both sat on the couch in my living room
"So how are you feeling Lu? You're looking a lot better since the incident at the Guild Hall" she gave me a friendly smile but I can tell that she was still pretty worried about me
"I'm pretty good Levy, just a couple more days of rest and I'll be good as new" I said to her with a chuckle.
"I'm glad to hear that you're doing well, when your fully recovered, wanna go on a job? Just you and me" I looked at Levy and gave her the biggest hug
"I would love that Levy! You're the best!" Both of us laughed and kept talking on what kind of jobs we should go on and as time passes Levy realizes that she stayed longer than she planned too. I walked her to the door and we both said our goodbyes, I looked at the clock 2:15am in the morning, I got changed into my pink Pj's. As I lay my head down on my pillow, I look up at the night sky, amazed by its beauty and I started to slowly drift off to sleep.

In Lucy's Dream

"You said that you wanted to join the Fairy Tail Guild, didn't you? So lets go!"
That's Natsu's voice, weird, I can hear him, but I don't see him, I look around but I see nothing but darkness. But when I turned around once again, I see the memory when me and Natsu first met and running away from the army. Then I see us entering the guild and the huge fight that Natsu started and the first speech I heard from master.
"Hey Natsu! Look! Mirajane just put the official Fairy Tail mark on my hand!"
That was most happiest day of my life, if it wasn't for Natsu, I don't think I'd would've been able to join Fairy Tail.
I turn around and I see Natsu and everyone else from Fairy Tail. I tried calling out to them, but my voice doesn't seem to be working, why can't I speak? I look up again and I see that Natsu has an emotionless expression on his face, why? Is it because he's been ignoring me for the past few months? Or..... is it something else? Natsu and everybody else turned around and started to walk away, leaving me. I tried to call out to them again, but the words just won't come out. What's going on?! Why are they leaving?! Why can't I speak?!?

The End of Lucy's Dream

Lucy's P.O.V
I wake up panting and I can feel the sweat running down my face.
"Only a dream" I say to myself. I look out my window and saw that it was already morning.
I have a bad feeling in my gut. But I don't know what it is. I hope it's nothing.


The end of chapter 2, a bit longer than my first one, comment if you have any questions and stay tuned for more chapters.

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