Naruto's masterpiece!

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Heeeeey mah peeeps!

This chapter starts when Naruto and stuff are in their last few days of the academy. Around the time of the graduation test.

So it's a... 4 year time skip!

So here's the story!



Deadly innocent

Chapter 7

Four years later.

Riku's POV

I walked through the peaceful streets of Konoha that were full of people bustling around with their daily lives. The atmosphere around this village has not changed at all. It still feels as welcoming as it did when I came here six years ago.

Yep. It's been six long years since I was found by Kakashi. Who just so happens to be the most awesomest dad in the world! I have a whole new outfit now!

I have a black tank top that clings to my body on the inside and a baggy teal blue crop top. I have black shorts that go up to my mid thigh, knee high stripy black and electric blue socks and blue high tops.

As you can probably tell I have a thing for black and blue i.e. My hair.

Things at the academy haven't been that interesting. Naruto is still my best buddy and we usually have ramen together when dad's on a mission. Fangirls are still annoying as usual. I don't really need to learn anything at the academy. Dad's already taught me this stuff and a whole lot more. He said that I was around chuunin level. Pretty cool huh? ^-^.

The only thing that seems to have changed drastically is Sasuke. He's completely silent now compared to when I first met him. I haven't even heard him speak a proper sentence since he bandaged me up that day. Maybe he needs lessons on speech?

Suddenly, a great gust of wind along with a streak of orange whooshed past me.

"Come back here!!!!!!!" two Jonin shouted after the lob of orange who jut so happened to be my best friend.

"KEEP GOING NARUTO!!!" I shouted in encouragement. waving at his shrinking figure.

Suddenly I felt an dark aura as a shadow was cast over of me.

"H-hi. Iruka-sensei..." I say with a forced smile.

"Riku... You can't encourage Naruto to keep doing things like this... He's ruining the whole village." Iruka-sensei said as he gestured to the Hokage mountain.

"No he's not! It's a major improvement! The village was getting a little dull! He's just bringing colour to it!" I protest.

That was kinda a lie... Sure it brought colour to the same old Konoha but I have I admit. That is a mean thing to do to people who risk their lives to protect the village.

Iruka was as red as a tomato now. Just as planned. He took a rope and tied it around me. I made no move to resist. Then he grabbed my collar and dragged me to where Naruto was.

"Hehehe... They'll never find me! " an oblivious Naruto chuckled mischievously as he hid behind a fence.

Iruka loomed over Naruto casting a intimidating shadow over him.

"U-uh..." he uttered.

"NARUTO!!!!" Iruka screamed.

"Hey! You can't do this! This is child abuse!!!!" Naruto protests as Iruka ties him up and drags us back to class.

~~~Time skip to class~~~

As soon as Iruka opened the door to the classroom, to room was filled with silence. Everyone stared at me and Naruto but I was used to it by now.

Deadly Innocent~ a naruto fanfic (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now