Deadly Innocent~ a naruto fanfic

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So before I begin this story here's a little info on the main character.

Name: she doesn't have one. YET! She's an orphan. Has no idea who she is. She will have a name though. You just have to read to find out

Age: six at this present time.

Looks: has long jet black hair with electric blue streaks that goes to the end of her back. Is rather small.

Personality: shy and quiet when you first meet her but once she gets used to you she can be a bit of a handful.

Abilities: for now all you know is that she has a special kekkai genkai that is chakra related. She's very fast and she is pretty good at taijutsu and ninjutsu. She is really bad at genjutsu though.


That's all you need to know for now.








Deathly innocent

~Chapter one~

Why? Why is it that when I come to live in a new village, they end up kicking me out? Why? Am I that repulsive? What's wrong with me?

These are the thoughts that ran through my head as I ran from the mob with tears in my eyes. I saw blurs of red and orange flames of citizens with torches chasing after me. Then I spotted a group of men leap closer and closer towards me. They were armed with kunai and shurikken. Shinobi.

"Get back here you monster!!!" some people in the crowd shouted with hatred in their voices.

I dodged yet another kunai and kept running. As I leapt through the trees I felt their chakra signatures fade away. Once I was completely sure they were gone I flopped down to the grass, staring at the sky, waiting for sleep to consume me.

~~~Time skip~~~

"Hello? Who's there? Excuse me miss? Wake up!" a voice said as I felt my body being shaken by two strong hands. I open my eyes.

There staring down at me was a man with sliver hair and a mask that covered most of his face as well as a headband that covered one of his eyes. Another shinobi.

I quickly leapt back trying to stay as far away from him as possible. I didn't think that they would catch up to me that quickly. I can run pretty fast.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you." He says with a soft comforting voice as he slowly steps towards me holding out his hands.

Maybe I can trust him. Maybe.

"Who are you?" I questioned cautiously as I pushed myself further away from the strange man.

"My name is Hatake Kakashi from Konoha." he introduced himself politely as he fixed up his headband covering his eye.

Konoha? As in Konohagakure? The leaf village? I've heard of it from somewhere... Ah! That's right. It's supposed to be a really peaceful place where people are always happy.

"What do you want with me?" I ask with worry in my voice.

"Well since you're basically sleeping a fifty or so metres from the village gate I just wanted to see if you were planning on coming to Konoha."

"Yes!" I half shouted eagerly.

Anything to get away from those people.

"Okay, let's go." he says holding out a hand to me. I grabbed hold of his pinky because his hand was too big for my small hand to hold.

"By the way what's your name?" Kakashi asked.

"Um... I don't know. I'm an orphan. I was never told my name." I replied with slight sadness in my voice.

"Oh... Well then. What would you like to be called?" he asked.

"Hmmm... I want my name to be short but pretty. Can you help me think of one Kakashi?"

"Hmm... What about Yuki?" he suggested.

"That doesn't really suit me."

"Umm... Yumi?"


"What about Yori?"

"No. What's with you and names starting with the letter 'y'?!" I asked with a sweat drop.

"Not sure. Hmm how about Riku?"

"Yeah. I like the sound of that!"

"Well then Riku, lets get you to Konoha." he says with a closed eye smile.

"'Kay" I say with a small smile of my own. That smile is contagious.

"So any idea how old you are Riku?" Kakashi said as he tried to start a conversation as we walked at a rather slow pace.

"I think I'm about... six years old." I say counting my fingers.

"Why are you going to Konoha?"

"Umm... Because I heard that its a really nice place and I didn't really like my other homes." I say with sadness.

As we walked I heard a rustle of leaves coming from a nearby bush and turned to look at it. Not thinking much of it I kept walking.

All of a sudden a ninja jumped out and threw a kunai in my direction.

I close my eyes waiting for impact but it never came. Standing in front of me with the kunai in his hand was Kakashi.

"Are you okay?" he asks glancing back at me.

"Yeah." I say with a nod of my head.

"Okay just stay here for a bit while I finish him off." he said as he ran at the ninja.

I stand and watch as Kakashi fights the ninja. He was doing well.

Suddenly a cloth went over my mouth and I was thrown over someone's shoulder. Kakashi's figure began to get smaller and smaller until he was out of sight.

I kicked the person as hard as I could and they let go clutching their stomach.

"You little brat. You think you can escape huh?" The man said as he ran to punch me.

Suddenly a burst of power filled me and I could see blue lines in the mans figure. They looked like moving blue substance flowing throughout his whole body. On certain points of the lines there were small minuscule dots. There were at least fifty of them.

The man stopped in his tracks.

"Y-you. Impossible. It can't be." he says with wide eyes as he backed away from me.

"What?" I asked curious to see what was so shocking.

"That clan... That-" he never finished his sentence as Kakashi had arrived and knocked him out.

Suddenly the power that I sensed within me disappeared.

"Riku. There you are. I was worried."he says casually slinging the man over his shoulder.

"Why would you be worried? We just met." I asked genuinely confused.

"Well you seem like a nice kid so yeah who wouldn't be worried?" he says with what I think was a soft look on his face. Its kinda hard to tell when he's wearing that mask of his.

"Thanks Kakashi." I say hugging his leg.

"No worries." he says with another smile.

And with that we continued out walk to Konoha.






In my opinion.


Her kekkai genkais gonna be hard to explain...

Oh well.

I have time to kill.

Ja ne.

Deadly Innocent~ a naruto fanfic (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now