A new home

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Deadly innocent

Chapter 2

When we arrived at the gates, there were two people sitting in a booth who looked really bored.

"Hey Kakashi! Who's the kid?" one of them called out to us as we entered the village gates.

"This is Riku. I found her around the village and she wants to stay here so we're going to see the Hokage." Kakashi answered.

"Hey there Riku! Hope you like the village. Welcome." the other one said with a friendly smile.

"Thanks..." I say as I grasp Kakashi's leg hiding behind it.

"Awwwwww. Looks like she likes you Kakashi!" they teased.

"Yeah yeah. We better go. Let's go Riku." he urged.

"Okay! Bye misters." I say with a wave as we walked away.

As we walked through the village, there were people walking around casually with smiles plastered on their faces. This village has such a happy atmosphere. It's a lot better than all the other places I've been. It's gonna be nice staying here.

At last we reached the Hogake's building. I think that's what is called. Yeah.

We walked up numerous flights of stairs until at last we reached a wooden door. All of a sudden I felt really nervous. What if the Hogake doesn't Let me stay here? What will I do then?

Kakashi knocked on the door three times.

"Come in." An old voice called out from behind the door.

Kakashi slid the door open and walked in. behind the desk was a man with what I thought was a fancy red rice patty hat with a veil and a symbol of fire on it.

"Why hello there Kakashi. What brings you here? Who's this?" he asks kindly as he leans forward slightly. He seems nice. I stepped out from behind Kakashi.

"Hello Hogake-sama. My name is Riku. Its nice to meet you." I say with a bow. He chuckled.

"I'm the hoKAGE Riku and I'm very pleased to meet you too.So what do you want to do here in Konoha Riku?" he asked.

"Sorry HOKAGE-sama. " I apologized with emphasis on the HOKAGE.

"Just Hokage or Lord Hokage is fine."

"Okay. I was just wondering if I could stay here in Konoha since I'm an orphan."

"Okay that will be arranged. Can you take care of yourself?"

"Ummm... I guess."

"I'll take her in." Kakashi offered.

"Excellent. Well Riku, looks like you have a home and a father now. "

I looked up at Kakashi. I'm glad he's my father instead of some random person. He's so nice.

"Okay that's it. Let's get you settled in." Kakashi said as he walked out the door with me following close behind.

"bye bye!"

~~~~To Kakashi's house~~~~

As we entered the house I took my time to look around. It was pretty plain it had all the basics but I liked it that way. It seemed so Kakashi.

"Okay there's a guest room but it's all cluttered and messy so you can sleep in my bed tonight. I'll sleep on the couch."

"Are you sure? "

"Yeah... I don't mind."

"Okay. "

"Follow me."

It was much like the rest of the house. The bed sheet was a navy blue and there were pictures of other ninja. Kakashi's friends most likely.

"Okay. Good night. " he said as he pulled the sheets over me, making me feel warm and fuzzy. No one's ever tucked me in before.

"Night." I mutter as I slowly drifted to sleep.


I was standing in the corner of a room with a couple sleeping soundly on thier queen sized bed. Suddenly the door opened silently the person behind it was...me? What's happening? I/she discretely entered a room and my eyes suddenly glowed a deep purple and I/she jabbed the man and suddenly his breathing stopped. He was dead. What? What's happening? That's not me!

I woke up in a sitting position. It was only a dream. As I sat there, the shadows of the room seemed to close in on me, trying to consume me. Scared and afraid, I walked out to the living room hugging my pillow to Kakashi who was sleeping on the couch.  

"Kakashi..." I whispered urgently as I nudged him awake.

"What is it Riku?" he said as he rubbed his eye.

" I had a bad dream..." I said as I stuffed my face into the pillow.

"Want to talk about it?" he says patting his lap.

I nodded, jumped on his lap and described my dream to him.

"I'm not a bad person. I'm not bad am I dad?" I asked with worry.

Kakashi smiled softly, "No Riku you aren't a bad person. You are a very nice person. And you won't ever be like that." he comforted as he hugged me. So this is what a hug feels like. It's nice.

"Thanks dad. Can I stay here?" I ask.

"Sure. I don't mind."

"Thanks dad..." I say as I snuggle under the blanket.









What do u guys (people who actually read this) think so far?

Well I don't know cos I haven't had anyone commenting yet soooo....



U don't really need to fan

But if u think that I'm awesome enough to be fanned then please


Ja ne

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