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Rin and two failures

Suckedmikusdick4free: help sleep isn't happening.


Lensucksdickforfree: it's like 3am Luka wtf

Suckedmikusdick4free: sorry did i wake you your highness?

Lensucksdickforfree: no lucky for you Im making lencest real.

Suckedmikusdick4free: wait what?

Rinisbetterthanyou : are you still talking about That? How are you still making it happen at 3 in the morning?

Suckedmikusdick4free: Rin I'm right next to you why are we on our phones?

Rinisbetterthanyou: because

Lensucksdickforfree: it takes time and effort for this to happen.

Suckedmikusdick4free: wait no I'm confused what Is lencest?

Rinisbetterthanyou: I don't even fucking know he's been talking about it since I left yesterday

Lensucksdickforfree: your both pure children

Rinisbetterthanyou: Luka almost fucked miku

Suckedmikusdick4free: i almost fucked miku.

Lensucksdickforfree : okay calm your lady dicks

Rinisbetterthanyou: we are not related.

Suckedmikusdick4free: okay beside from that Rin please change my username to something normal like Luka

Rinisbetterthanyou changed suckedmikusdick4frees username to : somethingnormallikeluka

Somethingnormallikeluka: not what I asked for -_-

Rinisbetterthanyou: well I didn't ask for a completly dumbass for a twin brother but here we are...

Lensucksdick4free: okay ouch.

Rinisbetterthanyou changed lensucksdick4frees user name to : lilpussyassbitch.

Somethingnormallikeluka: Rin calm down.

Lilpussyassbitch: what are you doing to me? ;-;

Rinisbetterthanyou : stop using emoticons its pissing me off.

Lilpussyassbitch: jesus who got your panties in a twist? Oh I know! Not Luka.

Rinisbetterthanyou: I'm filling out your adoption papers

Lilpussyassbitch: your the sister you get no choice in that

Rinisbetterthanyou: good bye brother I will now call you, lil pussy ass bitch I once knew...

Rinisbetterthanyou removed lilpussyassbitch from the chat_

Somethingnormallikeluka: well that escalated...


"Hey Rin are you okay over there?" I sat up from the futon we were sharing and turned over towards her, she was lying down facing the other direction eyes still focused on her phone.

The light must have been burning her as it was just an inch away from her face. She just shrugged causing me to asume speaking wasn't really what she had on her mind right now. Never the less I knew exactly what to do.

I climbed over her, pulling at the top if the futon in doing so. Causing her body to turn slightly more towards me Until I was just hovering over her. Her hair strayed across her face hiding one eye behind the mass of blone locks that was her fridge. She didn't have her usual grips holding her hair up so it was basicly splattered all over the bed as if it was yellow paint.

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