"Your gift is too valuable to waste." Godric replied. He couldn't reveal his feelings to Brooke because he didn't deserve a chance at happiness.

Brooke flinched in response to his answer and Godric felt her disappointment through their bond. Now that she had ingested his blood he could feel Brooke's emotions and sense her presence.

"Well thanks I guess. I owe you my life. Why did you want my blood in the first place?" Brooke asked. She had wanted to ask him that question for the past week.

"To know if you were different."

"You could have just asked."

"Blood doesn't lie."

"You think I do?"

Godric chuckled, "I did not mean to offend you child. How are you feeling?"

Brooke knew Godric didn't mean physically but she didn't know how she was feeling emotionally. "I don't know I wish I did."

Godric wanted to comfort her. Wanted to put his arm around her and tell her it was going to be okay but he couldn't.

"Why do you call me child?" She asked curiously. Only her father called her child and she hated it although it didn't seem to irritate her so much when it passed through Godric's heavenly lips.

"Sorry it is a habit." Godric replied.

"Can I ask you a vampire question?"

"Yes you may."

Brooke hesitated but her curiosity won out.

"How often do you get hungry?" Brooke asked suddenly and changed the subject; she had always had a morbid curiosity.

"Because of my age I do not need to drink as regularly as younger vampires - I drink True Blood."

"Am I better than True Blood?" Brooke asked out of curiosity and she wanted a reaction out of him to know that it wasn't just her ability that he was interested in.

"Most vampires prefer the taste of real blood over synthetic blood." Godric gave a vague answer.

"Like meat and tofu," Brooke had seen Godric's memories and felt his blood lust and she didn't want to ask about his past knowing how painful it was for him.

"Yes. You should rest." Godric spoke.

"I'm not tired. I'm far from it; I could even . . . Run a marathon."

"That's the vampire blood. It will pass."

"So I'm meant to twiddle my thumbs in the meantime?"

Godric didn't want to leave Brooke at the nest not with Stan. He had to find something in the house or send Isabel on an errand but he realised he didn't have to do either. Hugo kept Brandy and scotch in the house.

"I'll be back in a minute." Godric spoke before he disappeared from the room to get the brandy.

"Okay." Brooke replied.

Brooke had only just finished saying okay when Godric sat on the bed beside her with the bottle of brandy and a short wide glass. "Oh wow. You vampires are really fast."

"Amongst other things," Godric was trying to freak Brooke out although it wasn't working. He was starting to worry that nothing would; she had seen his worst memories and that didn't deter her from him. The only option he had left was to hurt her but he couldn't and wouldn't.

He poured her a drink and she skulled the quarter filled glass. "Are you not having any?" Brooke asked.

"No the only thing I ingest is blood."

"That would suck; I love food especially chocolate."

"You don't miss food when you're a vampire; all you care about is blood."

"I think you care about more than just blood."

"Are the sleeping arrangements suitable?" Godric asked and changed the subject.

"They are fine but where will you sleep when the sun comes up?" Brooke didn't know much about vampires other than the obvious; that they drank blood. She knew they burned in the sun which was why the hotel had spent so much money on shutters to keep out the sun but that's where her true facts ended until Godric had started adding to them.

"There is a spare room."

Brooke couldn't help but feel disappointed, "Well fill me up again; this time halfway."

It took three more half-filled glasses before fatigue set in and Brooke became tired although she tried to pretend that she was still wide awake so she could talk with Godric but he saw through her act.

"You know I owe you my life; if you get sick of the true blood I can give you something better. It's the least I owe you."

"The limo will be waiting for you in the morning to take you wherever you need to go. Goodnight Brooke." Godric spoke before he left the room with the Brandy.

Brooke was getting tired of Godric's departures. It always happened just as the conversation was getting good for her but part of her felt like she was wasting her time with Godric and that he was so content on being miserable that he would never allow himself to feel anything for her, but she had to try at least.

At first she didn't want to be alone with her thoughts or her memories. She had a feeling that denial wasn't going to last long and she didn't know if she was ready to face it although after a few minutes her eyelids became too heavy to keep open and she felt relief as her whole body relaxed.


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