Chapter 1

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(Picture above is Lexi Mullen I did not draw her)

(Angel's P.O.V)

I was walking down the halls of my school after the last class. I went to go to my friends (Allison and Ava's) locker since they were side by side. As I neared their lockers hall someone pushed me.

I looked up to see who it was it was the devil herself. You may think I'm talking about Regina George but it was someone much worst. It was Lexi Mullen and her group of minions. "What, are you about to cry" she said and started kicking me. I tried to get away but she hit me really hard. All I remember seeing is Ava and Allison telling the principal then I blacked out.

{Time skip bc I dont wanna change the P.O.V😜😜😜}

I woke up to my friends staring at me "AHHHHHHH" I screamed. "What's wrong" Allison asked. "Why are you staring at me?" I asked. They shrugged. "Well I better get home before it happens again." Before I left I told them "Meet me in the usual spot later." We all said our goodbyes and went in different directions.

{Time skip again I promise the next part will be good}

When I got home I saw my mom passed out on the couch with an beer bottle in hand. Every day after my dad left my mom she started drinking alot. She also blamed me for him leaving her. But the truth is that he left because he wanted to be with one of the many women he was cheating on her with. But enough of that, I shot right out of the house to my friend and I's favorite spot in the woods.


CLIFFHANGER HA ok sorry I'll update tomorrow

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