2. Dive In. Take a Chance.

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This is the second chapter! I'm really excited about this story. COMMENT/VOTE PLEASE!

The pic on this one is Aria.

Much Love,



Chapter 2

Tapping Aria's head he whispered a silencing command. She stopped but her hair remained raised. The middle aged announcer muttered to Gibson "She asked for you, Shark."

Silently rolling his eyes at the word Shark he walked to the girl. She was only about 3 inches shorter than he was but the way she held her self made it seem as though she was 3 inches TALLER. Even the large and tough Gibson was slightly intimidated by her.

"Nax." He held a look of anger and pain on his face now. She was simply the LAST person he wanted to see.

"Gibbie! I knew you'd remember me!" she smiled sweetly although it was a mere cover and they both knew it.

He hated that nickname only slightly less than Shark. She approached him and pointed to the gate. "Mind if we talk out there?" She wasn't really asking. She was telling.

Gibson was followed out by Aria who growled once. He aknowledged it by pretending to stick his finger in his butt, obviously meaning she was a pain in the ass. Which she was. For him any way. She had always been.

Gibson stopped just barely outside the fence and leaned on the sun burnt wood. "What?" She scoffed at his attitude.

"Now now now, is that the way to treat an old friend?" She crossed her arms and stood her ground. Gibson merely returned the stance. Aria sat down next to him waiting for permission to attack or something, anything.

"Considering the circumstances, yes. It is the proper way to greet... You." he emphasized 'you' with clear distaste.

"Well, I've got some news." She breathed heavily as if she was suddenly nervous. She had nerves that was for sure but she was far from nervous.

Nax wasn't her real name. Her real name was Natalie Roberts. She was, in a sense, Gibson's arch nemesis. They absolutely loathed each other. The short version of the story is that Nax stood Gibson up at the most important meet of the year. The meet that college scouts came to. When Gibson received his official report the only comment was that they were sorry they couldn't see the relay because it was missing a team member. Meanwhile Nax was at a private audition and won a full ride scholarship to basically any school that sponsors swimming. Gibson blamed his failure on her, and he was right to do so.

"Shoot." Gibson wanted the news, whatever it was, to hit him fast and hard. He knew it would hurt less that way.

Nax spoke up, quietly at first then gained confidence towards the end. Unfortunately, due to her volume, all Gibson heard was "It's yours."

"What's mine?" He raised an eye brow questioningly.

"The baby." She stated it as if it was the most nonchalant thing she could have said.

Taking her arm, somewhat roughly, Gibson yanked Nax to his truck and barked "Get in." He motioned for Aria to hop in the truck bed, and she obeyed. She knew something was up. Something big.

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