Second Chance Mates, Psycho Bitches & Crazy Friends

Start from the beginning

"Hey kid," I messed with the top of his hair and sat next to him, "You okay with them leaving?" I ask him.

"I don't really care," he shrugged "now I'm gonna be spending the whole summer with you! And you know what that means... pranks!" If you ask me Tony is such a strong kid. He doesn't wine or cry about the fact that his parents are useless and don't show any love to him. 

"While they're gone can I play with your wolf? " He looked up at me, his big baby blue eyes stared at me.

"sure tiny, why not." I shrugged.

Okay so I may have forgotten to tell you guys I'm a wolf , yeah a freaking werewolf but no one knows only Tony since I trust him with my life, he won't tell no one.  Also the fact he followed me out one night and saw me transform so I really had no option but to explain somewhat of what i knew. 

My wolfs name is rose she's usually quiet but when she talks its nice.

Anyway thats my secret but I don't know more about a werewolf since my own wont tell me anything, I dont even know if im the only one evrytime I ask her she says in time u will know. Funny thing is my parents don't know nothing about this so how am I one and is Tony one?

I didn't realized I was talking in my head for a long time until tony snaped his little fingers in front of my face. "You okay?" He asked.

"Get dressed dude were going to the woods to play." I pyshed him in the direction of his closet.

"Yaaaaaaaaaassss!!!!!" He yells running to get dressed.

In my room I look my self in the mirror I see my brown wavy hair in front of my face i have dark brown eyes and a good body, not trying to sound coincided or anything but I do. Tony is just like me but he has dark brown hair and eyes.

"I'm ready!" He yells going down the stairs.

"I'll be there in a minute!" I grab my jacket and go outside to the woods. Its not dangerous I've been there lots of time with Tony and our parents never notice.

Once we make our way to the forest I shift into my wolf because its Tony's favorite. I read stories about when wolfs change they rip their close and when they change back there naked but not me I have my clothes on before and after I shift. I bend down on all my four paws so that tony can get on my back.

~ let me take control I want to show you guys something ~  My wolf rose spoke in my head, I trust her so I let her get control.

In a couple of minutes we were far into the woods, it was a little scary but it seemed nice. Slowly I bend down so Tony can get off. We ended up in front of a beautiful clear lake. 
Tony layed down and enjoyed the sun on his face while I saw the reflection of my wolf in the water, Shes beautiful, big and shes pure white. 

We were here for hours. laying down, relaxing, taking in the view. Out of nowhere Rose goes into high alert. We hear branches breaking next to us, and the sound of male voices get closer.

"Hey come on dude, Luke wants us to check the borders for rogues!"

For some reason that name luke gave my wolf a wierd feeling. I don't like it.

"I'm coming , I'm coming don't get your panties in a twist Johnny"

"Hey! do you smell that?" One of the boys asked. Shit!

~ Don't worry they could only smell you guys as human since you have werewolf and cat shifter powers.~ Rose seemed relaxed not at all scared but I'm not taking any chance .

"Come on this way!" I could hear who im guessing is Johnny he has some kind of power rating of him I can feel it and so does the other but not as much. I know Rose wasn't scared but i sure was.I quickly ran the other way with Tony on my back and we went straight home. As soon as i get there I put my brother in his bed and take of his shoes so he can go to sleep. I make my way down stair and see my parents aren't home.

~Don't tell me they left without saying goodbye!~ Rose understands how I feel about them.

Theres a note taped to the fridge:

Dear honey , you guys took too long and our flight was leaving so we had to go , I'm sorry we will be back later in the year we don't know when but we left enough money to last a year take care.

mom and dad

"Of course. Couldnt even say bye." i mumbled to myself. I look at our picture from years ago on the fridge, one of the few days we actually had as a happy family. Those moments didn't come often to us. With that thought i made sure all the doors were locked and windows were closed, i was so ready for bed that i didn't even remember getting in bed i just knocked out. 

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