Chapter 27- Out of breath

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Chapter 27- Out of breath
Mia's POV

I walk through the hallway that was in the ballroom, near an elevator. There were many doors in this hallway, so finding Ashton wouldn't be an easy task. I walk further more until I stop in front of a door that was slightly open.

I could here voices, one was definitely Ashton's, and the other one was a lady's voice. I have heard this voice somewhere.

"Cosa devo fare per voi per darmi i miei soldi? [what should I do for you to give me my money?" Ashton asks,

What? I'm sorry, but the only thing I can do right now is eavesdrop.

"Tu devi fare una cosa, e cioè passare una notte con me sul letto. Facile come uno, due, tre. [You, need to just do one thing, and that is to spend a night with me on the bed. Easy as one, two, three." The lady says,

What the fuck! She's asking him to have sex with him?

"Non sto andando- [I am not gonna-]" he stops when I accidentally trip over my dress, into the room.

I stood up and am shocked to face Felicia, "what the fuck! Felicia, what are you doing here?" I ask,

"The question, my dear darling, should be what I ask you. Didn't your mother teach you that eavesdropping is a bad thing?" She asks back,

"What are you doing here Mia? Get out of here, now!" Ashton demands,

"Yes Mia, listen to your husband, and get the fuck out!"

I glare daggers at her, until she speaks again, "I said get the fuck out, bitch!"

Oh fuck no! Now I'm pissed.

She slowly walks towards me and grabs my chin roughly, pinning me to the wall. "Didn't you listen to me? I said, get the fuck-" I punch real hard on her jaw.

This caught her off guard and her grip on my chin loosened, "Ashton, get whatever the fuck you need and leave this room." I demand,


"Fucking leave! I have some business to handle over here." I said and he nods before taking the metallic case from the table and leaving the room.

She looks at me, staring daggers at me, "you bitch!" She says infuriated. She was about to punch me, but I dodge it, making her fist hit the wall behind me. She hisses in pain and turns around to look at me.

She lifts her leg to kick me, but I caught it in time and pull her leg, causing her to fall and hit her head on the ground.

I didn't know I had this in me.

She screams in frustration, "fucking bitch!" She screams in rage and jumps on me, making me fall flat on the glass table, scattering all it's items all over the room. "Don't you fucking dare to ever punch me!" She screams before throwing a hard punch on my jaw, causing my mouth to bleed. I spit the blood right on her face.

"Oh but I would dare to punch you again." I said before punching her and kneeing her in the stomach, making her fall on the ground and groan in agony. She was bleeding now, might I add.

She quickly regains her posture and picks up a gun from beside her, pointing it at me and making my eyes widen. Fuck!

She stands up, walking towards me before grabbing my neck, choking me and placing the gun against my forehead. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, you just messed with the wrong person." She retorts.

I was out of breath, my vision was becoming blurry. I have to do something. Right now! I lift my leg and kick her where the sun don't shine with my heels, causing her to fall on the ground and scream in pain.

She dropped the gun and it flew across the room, so I wasted no time in getting there and picking up the gun before pointing it her. Then I said,

"No darling, you messed with the wrong bitch!"

Mia is such a fucking badass! I love her! She is freaking amazing! Tell me what you think about this chapter. Comment and vote;)

Quote:"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."
- Abraham Lincoln

Sending love your way

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