Chapter 8- Different

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Chapter 8- Different
Ashton's POV

I enter the suite and walk in to find Mia stuffing her face with Nutella. God this bitch can't keep her hands to herself. Now I'll have to pay for that.

"Hola Ashton." She greets, dropping some Nutella from her mouth onto her clothes. Disgusting child! I roll my eyes at her, making her frown.

I threw a gift wrapped box at her. It had an evening gown in it. "This is for me?" She asks, not believing the fact that I did buy something for her.

Well it's just so she doesn't dress up like trash when we go for an event that's held by the man who I have a deal with. She tears the gift wrap like a kid on Christmas. Her eyes lit up when she saw the expensive dress, but soon her expression turned from joy to confusion.

"Why'd you buy this for me?" She asks, not appreciating my expensive gift to her. Can't this bitch just appreciate?

"There's an important event being held in this hotel in the evening. I want you to look presentable and not like trash. Apparently, word spreads out real fast. The person hosting this event is an important man and we have a very important deal and he thinks that I have a wife, so you need to look presentable enough to look like my wife."

She rolls her eyes, "why are you telling all of this to me?"

"Because you need to have an idea about all of this so you wouldn't mess shit up for me. And one more thing, talk to the host in Spanish, he doesn't talk much in English. Maybe your lazy ass might be a help for me to crack this deal."

"Now I have a question?" She says, making me scrunch my eyebrows. "Are you a gangster?"

Her question made me laugh, "why'd you ask? Are you scared of me?" I ask, smirking at her.

Now it was her turn to laugh, "are you kidding? Why would I be scared of you? You're just a guy who happens to be the most feared and dangerous gangster. But that doesn't scare me, so don't get your hopes up." She says before entering the room.

What? How is this bitch not scared of me? I could make anyone piss their pants with just one damn intimidating look of mine. How is she not intimidated?

I shake the thoughts out of my head and walk into the room. I undress and walk into the washroom with the towel wrapped around my waist, but didn't expect to look at the girl, in the jacuzzi,covered in bubbles.

She looks at me and her eyes widen, "get out of here you fucking pervert!" She exclaims and starts screaming profanities at me. I just stare at her with a blank expression and walk out.

I sat down on the bed, wait no, I actually lie down on the bed and stare up at the ceiling. This girl is crazy. Even after probably knowing that I'm a fucking gangster who could potentially kill her for fucking up anything important to me, she stays calm and acts normal.

She's not even a tad bit intimidated. How? Is this girl messed up in the head or something? She seems really calm, and didn't even try to free herself from me.

She's different. And it might me a good different. I don't know. I've never met a person who's not even a bit terrified of me. And if not that, then I've never met a girl who hasn't fallen for my looks. Every girl who sees me, clearly swoons at me and tries to flirt with me, take that receptionist for instance, but this girl, Mia, she's completely and totally different. 

Just different.

So y'all, how'd you like this chapter? *blows away a hair strand from the face* yeah, my hair is annoying me right now, but anyways, comment and vote ;)

Quote:"Take that middle finger and shove it up your ass."
- My best friend (she's great)

Sending love your way

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