Can't Help It

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"Geoffrey will be picking me up. I have him on my contact list" She shifted her hip "I'm not an idiot"

Alfred chuckled, "No, you're not." The faded scar on the underside of her arm appeared in his head but he shooed it away. "But you have a private theatre at home"

"I'm not a freaking hermit, Alfred. Besides, it was getting lonely in the house." She mumbled the last part.

He nodded, "Arin's still sick" She has been for three days now, but Alfred didn't enjoy the time off as much as he expected.

"And Allen's still busy"

"Does he ever sleep?"

"I quote: 'I'll sleep when I'm dead.' Sometimes I'm convinced that maybe he's not completely human." She paused "Not that I mean it derogatorily"

"Maybe he's a robot"



"White Walker"

There was a beat as they locked gazes, a second later they burst out laughing. Their voices filled the empty air and Alfred realized that it had been a while since he laughed like this.

She kicked a pebble on the pavement. "You got plans tonight?"

"I did. But I changed my mind"

"Bad party?"

"Bad company" He brushed back his hair "I ran into my ex"

"Heather Bing. The queen of Blackwell Academy." Seriously? Even she knew. [Name] tapped the plastic cup as she watched him "Do you wish to ease your burden, son who has sinned?"

Alfred sighed "It's a long story"

She pointed at her watch "It's a long movie"


He stared at you. Then he sighed again. The car locks clicked and he thrust his thumb towards the passenger seat. You flashed him a smile and rounded the truck.

According to rumors, Heather broke up with Alfred because he couldn't keep up with her. You pulled out a Twix from your purse and split it in half. Alfred began telling you his side of the story. He told you about how he helped his dad at his repair shop when he was ten, then when he turned sixteen he started working at construction sites; he got ripped and he managed to make it into the football team.

Heather flirted with him a few times in the past, even when she knew he was with other girls. At sixteen they became a couple. He told you about how he caught her in another guy's car. He stopped dating since then.

"Did you love her?"

He gave you a look, you played with the straw of your slushie. He pushed his glasses up his nose "Nah. I was vain, and we were compatible in that sense only. Heather wanted the shiny new toy—the jock with the brains, and I needed the popularity boost, but I didn't love her. When she cheated on me I was more pissed that she betrayed my trust and made me look like a fool" He slumped in his seat and let out a breath like he's been wanting to say that for some time now but couldn't.

You regarded him with quiet interest. "Was she your first fuck?"

He jerked. Pink tinted his cheeks, he was adorable. You giggled, "Sorry, Captain America. Let me rephrase: was she the one to deflower you?"

"No" He shook his head, grinning "I'm a virgin"

You slammed the slushie cup on the dashboard "Get outta here"

Until I Met You (America x Chubby!Reader x Yandere!2P!America)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon