MichaelWeekly Presents: The Mysteries of Evergreen

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It was during beer pong when Sean noticed him, he complimented his haircut; what was once blond was now brown with waves that reached the tips of his ears. All attention was on him during that party, on Calvin, who found excitement in wearing different pieces of clothing for men and women. He was alone now, standing in the middle of a street and hearing a car beep him out of his memories.

"You're dead, do you hear me!" Sean growled from a distance.

How is it odd to write about the people you like?

Other than his focus on running, all he could think about was the fact that he couldn't have his crush the way he dreamt. The way he wrote about it in his notes. The way he'd crinkle his nose at the corny jokes he heard Sean say during his tutoring sessions with him.

He ran as lightning struck the lilac sky. Thunder bellowed as soon as Calvin stepped in a puddle. The leaves from the trees rustled, making him nervous, and the soft howling wind sent chills down his spine.

Would this be the last time he lived to see a storm like this?

Calvin could feel Sean's burning glare on his back.

Sean's suspension was because of him. A suspicious teacher found a ball of paper in a trash can and it happened to be his doodles. He hadn't planned to tell anyone. It was so stupid to write down something like that and throw it away. It wasn't Sean's first offense either. So it gave the school the right amount of credibility to suspend their soccer captain.

"There he is. Get em!"

Calvin gulped and whirled around in the street. He watched as Sean and his crew ran down the sidewalk for him. Would Sean really follow through and hurt me? After all the English tutoring sessions he'd asked for? And what about all the late nights they'd stayed up together in his room going over how to write a thesis? Clearly their friendship was nothing more than a convenience for Sean.

He pushed back the memories and ran through the city, pacing himself. This was his profession—he was a runner. Every time he'd been introduced to a new school he'd attract bullies like a moth to a flame. Calvin glared up at the tall buildings around him and wiped the wet streaks of rain from the sides of his face, his lips tightened into a thin line.

He reached the end of the sidewalk and surveyed a valley with overgrown weeds, boxcars, and a building with broken windows that were covered by graffiti. It was an abandoned train station with a biker's bridge overhead, leading across the field to the other side of the city. He had never come across the station before or heard any train horns. He rushed forward down a hill and took off toward the boxcars. They were rusty brown and red; some look untouched and others were piled as if it was a junkyard.

Thankfully it was dark and the boxcars were large enough for him to hide himself between the cracks and hope for the best, while he figured out a plan to get away from this nightmare. Last year he remembered his mother bringing out his cake, the six from sixteen was melting. Days like that stayed with him in his memories, and when he was told to make a wish, he wished to stop moving. His mother always kept him sheltered and when things got this rough with bullies, it was too much for her heart to handle, they'd move, or more like disappear.

He stopped running, took a breath and checked behind him, Sean must've lost his trail. He found a rusty train with yellow and red graffiti. Calvin glanced up. the art was pleasant to look at; in fact, the rain made the image even more realistic to him. The piece was of a little girl holding a bouquet of flowers, her eyes were sprayed to look as if she was upset and the rain that dropped tonight formed her tears. Calvin pressed his back against the harsh metal and waited. The coldness pinched into his back as rain slid down his neck.

Wattpad Block Party - Summer Edition III (August 2017)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن