Chapter 31 (Study day)

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Nina POV

Since I can't do practical work anymore I'm doing studying with Zianan and Zukyo inside

"Okay, what grade are you guys in?" Zukyo smiled grabbing some text books

"I was in level 15 when I was in Japan" I smiled

"Advanced are we? Perfect" Zukyo smiled laying a text book on my (broken) desk

"I haven't been to a school...I can read and write and that's about it" Zianan frowned

"Then we can start you off on level...7 for now and then we can see how you do" Zukyo smiled laying the corresponding book on Zianan's desk and grabbing his own level 17 book into his lap

I opened the pages and found the problems easy

'I don't get how Fuuto was failing math if all the problems were so easy like these'

I finished the math, English, science, combat....(totally normal)...PE and biology easily and I didn't have to do the languages luckily so I finished off nice as easy.

"How is doing!" Hanacho laughed

"Good" Zukyo pet Hanacho's head

"Almost done" I lied

Zianan didn't seem to respond just stare at the papers before him

"Are you struggling?" Zukyo frowned

"It's giving me a headache at this rate" Zianan sighed

"Don't worry, I'll keep you" I smiled standing up and watching over Zianan's shoulder

I found the mistakes and noticed how hard all this really was for him

"Zianan...." I frowned

"Ne?" Zianan frowned

"Have you got...any like... disabilitys or anything?....NOT TO BE RUDE PLEASE" I blushed

"No...its because I haven't been in school a long time and...I think I'm just all messed up from the other day" Zianan frowned

"His physical scores are much better then those on paper so it's not logical" Zukyo nodded

"Well...I'll help you big brother" I smiled

"What?" Zianan stared

"It's like me and Yusuke...he wasn't vary good at math" I giggled "I showed him"

"O-okay! So what's wrong on this one?" Zianan smiled looking over the problems

"Well on that one you didn't go into negatives and you just swapped around the numbers" I smiled

"Wait what age is this for?" I glared

"Oh about a 7 year old" Zukyo smirked

"Sounds fair" Zianan nodded

"Well...I'll get you learning 10 times as fast, I'm sure if we get Z to help on her spare time you'll be better in no time" I smiled

"I'm sure too Nina" Zianan smiled

I smiled and helped Zianan though each question and we finished the entire textbook in the day

"Well done you two" Zukyo smiled

"Do you wanna do some reading?" Zianan smiled

"Sure, lets go read" I smiled

We walked to Zianan's room and he pulled a boom off the shelf

"Is this okay?" Zianan frowned holding a medium sized book

"Well it's no children's book but I think  you can do it" I smiled

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