Chapter 17: Team Ito

Start from the beginning

"Then Jasmin tells me that I have to participate in the body shots if I want to keep my job. I figured I could handle a lick to the neck a few times and maybe they'd start talking while I was laying there and I could pick up some intel." I pause for a moment, gathering my thoughts, trying to figure out how to go on with this story. It's like the rash that keeps on giving, I can't seem to get away from it. "So, I pour everyone's shots, hand Machete the salt and limes, wipe down the table and crawl on up. The next thing I know, Asesino is pulling me down to the edge of the table until I'm about to fall off and he's pouring salt high up on my thigh to lick. It happened so quickly I didn't even realize what was going on at first. After him, Machete pulled me back up on the table and nonverbally conveyed that that wouldn't happen again. The rest of the guys were pretty mundane compared. Machete was the last one to go in that round, there were eight total. He crawled on top of me and pretty much dry humped me. That's when I called for back-up. They were all about sexually assaulting me, not talking shop and I wasn't going to participate a second longer. I had just gotten off the table and Raven was about to escort me away from them when Jimmy showed up and started talking smack about the Four-Oh-Five. Machete made reference to the Jamison Park Crew so I'm assuming that's the gang Jimmy's team has infiltrated. But, at this point I didn't know Jimmy was Academy. I tried to come up with a quick cover story since we obviously knew each other and Jimmy belonged to a rival gang. Machete over reacted and went after Jimmy with a switchblade. I thought Machete would halt his attack if I jumped between them, but he must have had too much momentum going but managed to change trajectory of his swing enough to just slice my arm. Then, all hell broke loose in the club, chaos ensued and Marc and Raven rushed me to the hospital where Sean stitched me up. After, Jimmy and Haru met up with Sean and I in the hallway where we found out they were Academy." Owen was unreadable. He was marble brought to life. The only outward sign of displeasure was Owen's mouth. It was turned down at the edges slightly, in reverse of his approving millimeter smile. I didn't know what to say to salvage this, but I pressed on anyway. "The Toma team didn't want me to participate in the body shots, but I convinced them it was worth the shot to try and get some information. As soon as I realized that nothing was going to come from it, I called in for help and they got me out immediately. It was Jimmy's team that put me in danger, but that wasn't even entirely their doing. I read the situation and calculated the risks like you've drilled into me. It was acceptable to me in order to help those girls." In retrospect, I could have done several things differently, but at the time, reading the situation, I felt like I made the best choice I could.

Owen nods at me, "Ok. We better get dressed. The other teams will be here soon for our meeting and I suspect it may take you a little extra time to get ready, unless you'd like some help?" His eyebrow quirked up expectantly. Was that all he was going to say about the evening? No lecture? No grounding?

"That's it?" I question suspiciously.

"That's it. I can't lecture you about doing something we've all done. You used your best judgement. You were getting out of a situation you were uncomfortable in when something unexpected came into play creating an even more dangerous situation. Even with the backup of another team member, you were injured, not seriously. Jimmy could have been nearly killed if Machete had struck him, you likely saved his life. How am I supposed to punish you for that? I wish you hadn't gotten hurt, but Luke's managed to get worse injuries when he was just screwing around. Sean doesn't even think you'll scar from this. Now, go on and get changed. Unless you want to sit around the meeting only wearing my shirt?" I jumped off the stool and hurried up to my room to change.

Owen was right, it was hard to dress myself. Reaching, pulling and stretching my arm in ways I wouldn't have even thought about before, now became a puzzle to solve so I wouldn't cause myself any more pain. I threw on some loose fitting sweat pants and a t-shirt that I think belonged to Luke because it had ice cream on the front and said, "I live for Sundaes." in bold lettering. The hem of the shirt fell to at least mid thigh and the neck fell off one shoulder. I wasn't looking to impress anyone. Besides, I don't think I could have managed to get into anything more complicated without a little help.

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