Don't be Scared

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I am so sorry that I haven't updated this for so long!

Oh well...

So, I went back to school a couple weeks ago, and honestly it was strange and I have been extremely stressed. I went on a mission trip this summer, and I have learned that I really want to start a Christian club at my school. However, I have no idea where to start, and I don't think anyone will show up. See, like half the people at my school are Buddhist, a quarter are Muslim, and the rest are either atheists or people who don't believe even if they say, "Oh, my family is Christian."

I'm scared. I also feel this way about driving too. I am supposed to start driving within the next day and am completely terrified. But, I know that God is with me and will help me through those times. Through driving and following His will in my life.

What are some things that God is calling you to do that you're scared of?

Maybe it's a Christian club, or talking to that one friend you know isn't Christian. Maybe it's inviting them to church or starting a huge ministry. I know one guy who runs a ministry out of In-n-Out.

Don't be scared. God will help you.

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