What I Believe

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That video is very important to this chapter, so make sure you watch or listen to it.

Well, the song kind of tells you what I believe. Yes, I believe that the Bible is true. That "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth," Genesis 1:1 is true. I believe that Adam and Eve sinned which means I am born with a sinful nature, and all are separated from God. (Romans 3:23) God sent His Son to earth to die for me so that my soul could live with him eternally. Jesus died on the cross and took my sins on himself. He rose from the dead on the third day. I believe that He rose into heaven.

I believe that God is three I one. Although they are 3 different parts, they have the same essence. They are the same person. I belive that Jesus' name is powerful. It is not just a curse word. I believe that the veil between God and man was torn when Jesus died for me. I believe that Jesus lived on earth as a man and was tempted just as we are. I am completely and totally forgiven by God because I have accepted Christ as my personal Savior.


If you are going to insult me for writing this, then please don't read this book. I'm sorry this is short, but it said what I wanted it to. I will probably have a lot of songs with this book, because I learn and worship through music best. I will try to update pretty regularly, but I will not promise anything.

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