(OUAT) Poison Apple

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Well, here's a show I've never drawn something for. I started Once Upon a Time a few weeks ago and have been binge watching it ever since. I'm on season 5 right now I think??

Anyways Regina is fashion goals so I had to draw her, it took me forever to decide what to draw her in because everything she wears is just so cool?? I kinda want to cosplay her but I do not have the skills or money to make a costume as complicated as one of hers.

This drawing took forever but it's super detailed and I'm proud of it. Except that mirror in the background would look a hell of a lot better if it was actually circular. I wish Drawcast had a circle tool.

Off topic, but I finally figured out why my drawings look so much better on my iPad than on my iPhone 5, and it's because Drawcast literally stretches my work to make it fit the different resolution. From now on I'm going to email my drawings between devices instead of screenshotting them from Drawcast.

Program: Drawcast
Time Taken: at least 6 hours rip @ my hand

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