Chapter 1: The beginning.

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Iniphis lay in bed, tired. Her long black her drooped of the side of her bed. She had two different coloured eyes. One was ruby red and the other was bright yellow. It was usual for a tiefling to have red or yellow eyes but it was rare for a tiefling to have both. Iniphis got barely any sleep because of constant nightmares. She lay there for a while and eventually got out of bed and got dressed. She wore a long, elaborate outfit, it was red in colour with gold and black.

Once she was dressed she grabbed her sword and left her room. As soon as she had left her room her little sister, Kyra, ran over to her excitedly. She smiled at her sister who was now pulling on her clothes trying to pull Iniphis over to her mother. Kyra had short black hair and yellow eyes. She wore a much simpler outfit, a basic red dress with little bits of gold. Iniphis followed Kyra over to her mother. She smiled at her mother who was making breakfast.

A few hours had passed before Iniphis left her house. She was a Guard, well a guard in training. Every morning she had to go to the guard training grounds. There was 3 other guards; Krune, Torith and Katran. Torith and Katran were brother and sister. They all got along well. They were all already there and Iniphis was the last one there,

"Hey! you're late." Krune shouted to Iniphis.

"At least you aren't late today." Iniphis replied

Torith and Katran laughed while Krune stood there, trying to think of a reply. The head guard watched them as they talked. After a while Iniphis saw that the commander was watching them yet the others were unaware. After a while the commander walked up to the four of them. Krune, Torith and Katran were slightly startled as they didn't see the commander walk over to them. Today was the first day that they would be like actual guards. They were told that they had to walk around town and help anyone who needed it. A guards job is very simple as there was never really a threat to the village.

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