" We've been here, silly." Luna says in the same different language. What happened to english?

"What for?" Percy says. I want to yell at them to speak english. But I don't have to because Ron blurts it out before I have a chance.

"Speak bloody english people!" Ron yells. Annabeth, Percy, Nico, Thalia, Luna, and Draco glare at him before returning to their weird language conversation.

"To watch over different types of magic and schools." Draco says.

"Well we better get back to our tables. I'm starved!" Thalia says and for some reason, they laugh. What are they saying!?

"Bye!" Nico says.

They come back and Hermione says, " What were you talking about?" She say suspiciously.

"Oh, nothing." Nico says but we can tell he's lying.

Then a needle comes flying, hitting Percy in the cheek. I look to where it came from. The Weasley twins with their truth needles. I guess they knew they were lying too but they look downright confused. I look to Percy and see the needle on the floor. Another truth needle goes flying and hitter him on the side of his nose but instead it just hits him and falls to the floor. Percy just keeps on talking to Ron like nothing happened, as he never felt it. Ron had a very confused look.

"Whats wrong?" Percy asks.

"Oh nothing." Hermione says in a high-pitched confused worried voice.

What is going on?

Annabeths pov

I can't believe we saw Draco and Luna again! We missed them so much at camp! When they went on a quest and din't return we were devastated. What had happened to them? And look, they were here all along! I wish we could have gone somewhere more private though. I could tell the trio were getting suspicious and so was everyone else. When we head back I started chatting with Hermione. Percy almost gave us away one time. But luckily, I caught it just in time.

"Who's you director?" Hermione asked.

"Chiro..Mr. Brunner." Percy had said.

Ron, the red haired annoying, oblivious guy, raised his eyebrow.

" Chiron Brunner, he lets us call him by his first name." I explain quickly.

"What was the name of your school again?" Harry, the Black haired guy with glasses and lightning scar asked.

"Camp H...Olympus's Wizarding School." Percy said.

I was about to face-palm myself. "Our school is more like a camp than a school."

"Aaaaaah." Hermione said but I could tell she was still a little skeptical.

Soon enough, it was time to go to bed. We followed Dumbledore's directions to our private room. It was located in the Gryffindor's common room.

"Hera's Dove." Harry said to a portrait of a fat lady and the painting swung and I looked at each other. We were stifling laughs. Hera's dove? Really. Hera's peacock or Hera's cow I would understand but Hera's Dove? Really? Sadly Percy and Nico couldn't help it. They burst out laughing."Hera's Dove? Really?" They say between laughs. Thalia glares at them. They shut up. Harry was confused but just let it pass. We walked toward the stairway to our right and Thalia went on the stairs first. Except then Ron stopped her. I should really tell him that you never stop Thalia, she does what she does and you just go with it. But I didn't. I wanted to see what happens.

" Thats the boy's bedrooms. The girl's room are over there on the left.

Thalia just smirked. "Why, you think I was going to the boy's room?" She goes all the way to the top and enters the very top rom. She pops her head out. "Are you guys coming or not? We follow her up and we hear Ron sputtering, " There was never a room there before!" We just smile. We go through the door to another door. Dumbledore said there was 2 doors so no one could see inside if they try to get inside the first door. He had said demigods were the only one that are able to go into this room. I hear Ron call to Harry and Hermione. Then we hear footsteps coming up. We make sure to not open the second door yet.

"What's this room doing here?" Harry asked.

"Its our room." Nico says.

"But girls and boys are not supposed to share dormitories!" Hermione says stubbornly.

"Well we're an exception."Percy smiles sweetly, the kind that made girls melt. Hermione then kind of got lost in his eyes but he was looking at me. He winked at me. Ron tried to go through to the other side but he couldn't. He bounced of the invisible force-field. I smiled. Just like the one in camp. They keep on trying to enter except they can't. Nico smiles.

"Why can't get through the door?" He says mockingly. "Whats so hard about it?" He walks through the open space to them and back to us. "Its as easy as that." They glare at us and leave. Finally! We can open the door to our were 4 beds each with it's own dresser, refrigerator, and desks. There was a bathroom in the corner of the room. On the other side of the room were dummies and all kinds of weapons. In the middle area was a large sofa and a fireplace. On another wall were book shelves. There was also a big jar of drachmas. We all went to our dressers and beds. I immediately pulled a book from the bookshelves and put it on my bed. I put all my clothes and explored all the drawers on the dresser. In one dresser was my books I needed for the year. In another were clothes that were (thankfully) my style and size. I found a small drawer and opened it. I found my wand and a note.

Dear Annabeth,

This is your wand. It is made from a olive tree with the core of an owl's feather. You are the only one that can use it along with the rest of your demigod friends. I have converted all you books into greek and your spells will work better if you say them in greek. I have granted all of you extra knowledge that you can even say some spells without the wands. Some spells you need to even though other wizards need the wands.


Thank the gods they are in greek! I look at my wand. At the point were little owls carved into the wood. I smiled.

The Letters

Dear Percy.

This is your wand. It is made from blue coral with the core of seaweed. You are the only one that can use it along with the rest of your demigod friends. I have converted all you books into greek and your spells will work better if you say them in greek. I have granted all of you extra knowledge that you can even say some spells without the wands. Some spells you need to even though other wizards need the wands.


(Carved at the top were fishes and dolphins jumping out of the waves)

Dear Thalia,

This is your wand. It is made from a pine tree (what a coincidence) with the core of an eagle feather. You are the only one that can use it along with the rest of your demigod friends. I have converted all you books into greek and your spells will work better if you say them in greek. I have granted all of you extra knowledge that you can even say some spells without the wands. Some spells you need to even though other wizards need the wands.


(Carved at the top was and eagle flying to it's nest)

Dear Nico,

This is your wand. It is made from a weeping willow with the core of a spider leg. You are the only one that can use it along with the rest of your demigod friends. I have converted all you books into greek and your spells will work better if you say them in greek. I have granted all of you extra knowledge that you can even say some spells without the wands. Some spells you need to even though other wizards need the wands.


(Carved at the top were skulls and crossbones)

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