Chapter #22- My Worst Nightmare.

Start from the beginning

I am pregnant for Christ sake!

When Sebastian clears his throat loudly and whines about being hungry, I swear I feel like I could kiss him. If only for food.

Del flips him off, but I see that she and Alpha Black have now separated. Maybe we can go in now, and eat a feast or something.

They march up the porch and towards the door and we follow them as they enter the mansion without even knocking. How cool is that? Walking in like you own the damn place?

I mean Alpha Black probably does, he owns a jet for crying out loud (I would know as I have travelled in the luxurious jet not once but twice! Once when I was getting the baby implanted in me, in Brazil and today!).

We enter the house and make a beeline to what I assume is where food is. When Alpha Black enters a room, we all follow suit and there I see a dining table that has a few couple already occupying it. I say couple because they couldn't be any more obvious. The women are sitting on the men's lap.


I smile.

"Y'all are back already?" A man who looks a lot like Alpha Black says with a barely there smile and Del replies to his question.

"Yeah. My work got done with earlier than I had expected, so I decided to fly back ASAP and... Would you look at that, I wouldn't need you to postpone my punishment now that I am here!" Del was ranting. Wow. I don't think I have ever heard her rant. I mean sure I have not known her for a long time, but she always looked so damn composed.

Makes one wonder why she is nervous...

The woman sitting on the man's lap frowns but doesn't say anything as her eyes zoom in on me. And Sebastian.

Almost on cue, the man says, "I see you have bought guests" Is that a sneer that he throws my way?

"Dad... she is a newly turned" Alpha Black sounds bored as he walks toward the vacant seat on the other end of the dining table and plops down, turning to stare at Del, who is in turn looking at me with a worried look.

"Newly turned and pregnant! All the more worrisome" The woman on the man's lap says and I frown.

"I don't feed on human or supernatural blood, if you are wondering" I am irked that they'd judge me even before getting to know me.

I am trying my level best to not turn into a complete monster and here these people are... judging me for something I had no say in.

"Of course you don't" It is another man who says that, the one sitting on Alpha Black's father's right.

"We agreed on the truce with the vampires, did we not?" Del says and I cringe at the v word. God, how I hate that word...

"So what? That does not mean we will allow a newly turned, pregnant leech in our land... we have to take care of-"

The man is cut off by a look from Alpha Black. "You seem to have forgotten your place, Anthony" Alpha Black holds no cut in his voice, but even I get goose bumps on hearing him speak.

"You are not the Alpha, I am. I decide who stays on my land. And if I say that she is staying here, then no one questions it" He is looking at Del again, but Del is busy staring at the ground, not looking up to meet his eyes, and for a moment, for a very small moment, I think I see pain in Alpha Black's eyes.

It is like a flash, gone before I can make sure it was even there, replaced by darkness.

"But Ulysses, if she is pregnant, wouldn't her beloved come looking for her? He would want his child, if not the woman, and... We surely do not want those leeches to bring their spats on our land" The old man is unrelenting, but this time, it is not Alpha Black who shuts him up. It is his father.

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